Erhellende Weisheit von Meister Morya
Geert Crevits
Die zweite Auflage
192 Seiten - Taschenbuch
ISBN 978-90-75702-23-1
14 EUR (45 PLN -
17 USD - 10.5 GBP)
Dieses Buch wurde übersetzt von "Morya Wijsheid 1: Bewust handelen"
Master Morya says,
"If you have a goal in life, a very worthwhile goal, then every action, even the smallest, is saturated with this energy. So it is that a single action of one person may be great and profound, even symbolic, his or her action may even be of great importance for the world, whereas another person indulges in a thousand and one actions that have little or no importance at all because his or her goal has little or no power."
Morya Wisdom 1 is a book with so many interesting insights that you can take it up again and again. The more you read this book, the more you can extract from it and the more surprised you will be about the absolute wealth of information contained in its words. A real foundation, a must have for every spiritual seeker and also for everyone wanting to experience spirituality with relationships.
This first book discusses many important issues in a person’s life, such as: action and reflection, changes here on earth, the divine hierarchy in your life, solitude and relationships in Western society, the power in yourself, powers in society, love and sexuality (this is the only book in which Master Morya talks about sexuality), love and consciousness, power and form, the way of loving, the Master’s intention.
A reaction is not an action
“Actions are born out of a state of balance. When you are out of balance there can be no action. Then there is only a certain reaction but that is not a real action. An action can only take place when you are well balanced, when you are quiet, when you are reflecting on things, when you are in harmony with yourself. Then you are truly acting; you are carrying out a conscious deed.
Many people may well be living and yet they never really act. They are not really giving their attention to what they are doing. They live automatically and they react to things, but this is not real action.
So you can see that there are various elements in you that clash with each other and so create chaos. The result is that you react to this and that but you never take a real action.”
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