Insightful wisdom by Master Morya
Geert Crevits
168 pages - softcover
ISBN 978-90-75702-61-3
14 EUR (45 PLN -
17 USD - 10.5 GBP)
This book is the translation of "Morya Wijsheid 4: Vertrouwen in jezelf"
"If you want to bring a change into your life, it will never be easy. What is then the purpose? The purpose is that you make progress, that you come close to yourself and do things that are important for you. You must be able to concentrate on yourself and look at yourself. You must live and dare to live from the depth of your own heart, of your own desires.
If you think, “I know myself,” but do nothing coming from out of your own self, then you are mistaken. Then you don’t know who you are, and this is always the case: People too often think they know themselves. But when it comes down to it, they don’t really know who they are, don’t know where they stand and don’t know what they are doing."
Master Morya sheds light on all kinds of subjects, spiritual and mondaine, in a wonderfully natural and practical way, enlightening your mind and warming your heart as you read.
“Very many people appear self-assured on the outside but are not so confident on the inside and are very unsure of where they stand in life. They may be fantastically rich and healthy, they may be as beautiful or handsome as can be, but inside they are being torn apart by a nagging doubt which keeps them from knowing how to go on.
An end to uncertainty
Don’t let doubt wear you down. Instead of ignoring it, give it your attention. Look at it straight on from all sides, dare to really see this doubt. If you ignore your doubt you will be giving yourself a false sense of security, which is not the intention. You must find a real security and it is the doubt that will bring you to it. If you keep doubting about the deepness of your life, then you should look at the general thread of your being. Look at what you are actually doing and what is really important. Once you arrive at the real values, you can put an end to uncertainty, but not before. You must look at all aspects of your life and also at the lives of others.”
Discover more excerpts and quotes from "Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life" and other Morya books on