Insightful wisdom by Master Morya
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“You are not obliged to live with great ideals. If you like, you can give preference to the ordinary things of life, because a great ideal can only become reality through ordinary everyday things.
Try to concentrate on what is before you now, give your attention to the person who is with you now. Try to relax and to realize: ‘It’s good that this person is here with me now,’ whomever he or she may be. Don’t try to change him or her, but know: there is something divine in this person. Search for it with the core of your being, with the love in your heart.
Explore, search for this Divinity in the other and, if you find it, you can help it to come out, you can stimulate it by saying: “What you are doing is good; what a fine thing that you thought about this; it’s nice that you’re working in this way.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“When your attention for the things you are working on begins to wane, it’s important for you to take hold of yourself. This is not always self-evident; it calls for training and practice.
Don’t be too lax with yourself, don’t think: ‘It’s not all that important.’ No, it’s important that you can concentrate and retain this concentration for a while, because in this way you are learning to look at things as they really are. But besides concentration you also need to have the right outlook on things.
If you are busy with something, you should realize: ‘This is important for me, I think this is important.’ Because otherwise you shouldn’t do it; simply don’t do it. If it’s not important then what are you busy doing?’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Don’t get agitated about what the other says, about what the other does, but take an honest look at: ‘How can I approach this life in a way that I can be happy with the other, even if he or she is doing wrong things?’
If you look deeply within people you know that you can’t set time limits. You can say something to someone and it might not have any effect, and you could say a hundred things to someone and still have nothing change in that life. And yet, if you have patience, the other will perhaps notice that you are the one with so much patience, an almost abnormal amount of patience, and this patience is then what is essential and what will bring about change, and this is very special.
You do your best, you consciously take a step and it then works completely differently than how you could have imagined. It’s peculiar that sometimes things that have no value for people are just the things that have great value.
Sometimes the value of what you say lies in the patience with which you say it. Sometimes the value of what you say lies in the love with which you say it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Don’t always assume that you should constantly be busy. This is not feasible. Some people live for an ideal, they wake up with it and take it to bed with them at night. But sometimes you just need to do something completely different, to take a break and say: “Ideals, fine, as many as you like, and work too, as much as you like, but now it’s time to do other things.”
You should dare to do this, to break the pattern of your life and just do other things, maybe go to another place, to travel, maybe to rearrange a few things in your life in order to say: “I would like to try this too.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“When you take your responsibilities, it brings a tranquility and a peace to your life. Often you won’t be able to notice this and the reason is that you will frequently encounter difficulties, so to speak, precisely because of having taken responsibilities, But in reality it’s not like that. Your problems will be resolved and this is sometimes misunderstood.
By taking on major responsibilities, by taking up your responsibilities, order comes into your life. This order is imposed upon you through your responsibilities, but at the same time it brings renewal into your life.
You might be thinking about and reflecting on your life and doing your best, but not taking any responsibilities and things do not go well, no matter how much you try to do your best.
If you are responsible for something - your children, your work, whatever - then do it, take this responsibility and know: ‘My life will be set right.’ It’s good to realize this.
Don’t run away from your responsibilities because they are important for you. And yet you will make choices therein, and you may. Don’t, however, take too many responsibilities upon yourself.
Therefore, it doesn’t mean that you should do your utmost best, it simply means taking your responsibility at the moment itself, doing your best with it and knowing that your life will be set right.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“ “God, You love me, but I am not able to see this. Teach me to know this; teach me to love You in the same way as You love me.”
This seemingly modest prayer can have great consequences because it will give you trust in life, whether you call this life God or not. Because when you address God, you are addressing a certain form of life that permeates everything. And in this form you can actually see yourself.
Because as you learn to know God, you learn to know yourself. There is a force present in the universe, in the cosmos, that is so deep that, therein, you can learn to know yourself as you really are. That’s why I also dare to say: be objective, learn to know yourself as you really are.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 16 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Don’t put yourself behind others; do not consider yourself to be banal. There are great forces within you.
The forces of silence, of tranquility, of peace are very great. Do not imagine these forces to be just anything. These are extraordinary forces, because it is the simplicity you allow into your life that can make you strong.
If you don’t worry about the renewal or about anything whatsoever - for example, if you don’t get upset when people come to you with certain questions but just try to keep your cool - if you can stay calm, then you can recognize the simplicity as a force in your life and thereby you can also calm the other.
This force of simplicity is actually a weapon. There should be more people armed with the force of simplicity, for then they would be able to cope with more.
Do not ever let yourself get upset by questions people may have, because increasingly more people will be asking questions, but often these will be confusing questions and not the right questions.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Always try to stand on the side of those who are in trouble. Not because it's spectacular to do so, but it does mean that you are looking out for yourself, also amidst the difficulties.
You should be able to see the other person as a part of yourself and you especially cannot deny the one who is in trouble. You must realize: 'If someone is in trouble then I am in trouble,' it's that simple. We are in solidarity with one another; this means that wherever people are suffering there is something like a suffering that is taken over by others - unconsciously, but that's the way it is.
Hence: 'The world's misery is actually my misery.’ If you can see it in this way then you are joining in with the essential forces. The nature of suffering is such that it mobilizes the forces and this means that when you stand by your fellow persons in their suffering, in solidarity, you know what it is that you have to do on this Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“People always have desires. They want this, they want that, and they are always busy trying to find what is best for themselves and others, or at least this is what they think.
However, on the other hand, a person may sometimes waste time. Dare to look at this very carefully and please don’t waste time. It’s a wondrous time, it’s a powerful time, it’s a time filled with energy so take advantage of it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“When you dare to be yourself you do not necessarily have to keep to yourself, apart from others. No, integrate yourself but still be you. This means that you have different tastes, other preferences, another rhythm, another way of dealing with things and expressing things, and this is all possible and it is allowed. Allow yourself to do this. You don’t need to justify yourself to others.
This is something people do much too much, they search for excuses to, for instance, show: ‘I’m actually doing my best for you and for everyone, and so please understand me.’ No, that’s much too cumbersome. Just do your best and people will come to realize that you are indeed someone who is doing their best. Let them discover this for themselves. You do not need to always be ready with an explanation.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“There are very many people who take too great account of others and because of this are at certain times forced to actually make a detour while they try to accommodate themselves too much to the other, and that is a big waste of time.
Spend your time carefully, understand what time is and know that it is very precious at this moment in time in which we are living. Know that there are very many possibilities to develop yourself but you must use your time carefully and stay focused on your goal.
It is easy to lose a lot of time by being busy with things that are not interesting. You could, for example, read totally uninteresting books or play totally uninteresting piano pieces, which you have outgrown and that have nothing more to teach you.
Learn to use your time wisely and learn to see things in such a way that you can know for yourself: ‘Is this interesting? Is it important that I do this now?’ Whether or not it may be important at some later time is something you will feel and see then.
Stay with the time. If you engage yourself now, it should be interesting for you right now. And if later you have other ideas, okay, at that time you can look at it in another way and do other things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Finding is something you can always do, that is the lesson of life. Hence, let your eyes be opened by concentrating on what lies before you and by giving it your loving attention.
That is the way to let go of the past. Realize that nothing is ever lost. When you let go of something you have actually preserved it in your heart and in your memory - within your deep memory, because it is the soul that retains and stores everything. So know that when you take a step forward, nothing is lost.. (…)
Nothing is ever lost. Once you know this you can go forward and you will also be more courageous, and this is very important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“If you go against yourself - you have a certain desire, for instance, and you don’t want to work on it - then you are an annoyance to yourself and sometimes you may well take it out on others.
Keep this in mind, that you should learn to take account of yourself in as pure a way as possible and then you will also be able to clearly show love to others, and that always makes life more beautiful.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“It is very important to not let it end with thoughts but to take action, so that you can therefore see yourself projected into the world.
Bring those things that live in you, that live within you, to expression, whatever they may be, so that you know: ‘This is something that is in me and I am trying to sing it out, to speak it out, to search for it along with other people.’ If you are doing this then you are meaningfully occupied on this Earth.
People always have an urge to do things and it is good to follow up on this urge. You cannot be only theoretically busy, only thinking. Even when you are busy thinking you should still be able to commit your thought to matter, which is to say that somehow or other you write it down or talk about it or record it or draw it, so that it is there before you, so that it has been acted out, so that you have gone through the joy, because the action is what bears the joy.
Thinking is often apathetic, it does not know where to go because it comprises everything and simultaneously also nothing. It can often be much too abstract and too removed from the world, and so be very tiring. Thinking can exhaust you if the thoughts never become reality.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“When you work with love what you think is unfinished will already be finished because the seed of its further unfolding and development lies there within the work.
When you can see this in the simplest task, you will never be dissatisfied with what you have done but, on the contrary, you will be very satisfied and will even be able to let go of a certain unfinished job and chose another work because you’ll know: ‘I put my whole heart into this, all my love, and it really doesn’t need to be completed.’ It is, in effect, already finished because there is love in it.
So do not aim for a perfect world - because this is not feasible - but aim for a loving world. In this sense you should also be able to be satisfied with an unfinished work. Not everything needs to be perfect down to the last little detail.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“It is very important for you to live your own life and not the lives of others. Lives often get jumbled up. You see others at work and then want to do the same, you want to imitate this or you want something that resembles it. Like this it is impossible to go forward.
You have to dare to step into you own life. Looking to see what lives within you and in which way you express it is very important. Whenever you look at yourself you will always again discover new aspects of yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Dare to live your life from your heart. Whatever you do, try to do it with your heart - with a certain warm-heartedness, like people say here on this Earth - and with a natural surety that also comes from the heart and is inherent to it.
The heart has no reservation, it knows what it is to be together with others and it knows what it is to give of itself. Because the heart can open itself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“People have the ability to greatly influence their fellow persons but this should only be done through love.
Be very careful before demanding something from others. If your insistence does not come from love, it is wrong. When you impose certain ideas you have on others, ideas about which you think: ‘Look, they should realize this,’ this may sometimes be completely wrong, because if you react to the other without love then you are using your will wrongly.
You should be calm in life. If there is something you want then please want if from yourself. Therefore, look to your own life: ‘What do I want out of life?’ If you want something from someone, you must be very cautious because you might thereby mislead them. The other also has a will that should be able to develop itself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“You should realize that every person can always change, can always be different; this is certain, so don’t think: ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that person, he’s probably still just the same.’ No, he or she will definitely have changed.
Realizing this, you must recognize that you should be open in order to be able to notice this change. Therefore, when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time, you need to be very open to know: ‘What are the thoughts that live within this person now? What are his or her feelings? What are their ambitions? What are they busy with? What has happened?’ And so on.
There are many questions you could ask but above all there must be an openness to be able to learn to see the right things. Do not assume anything. Do not think: ‘Yes, yes, I know, he doesn’t need to speak, I know him.’ No, be open, don’t judge, and know: ‘I am meeting a new person.’
This is the way you should always dare to approach someone. What was said yesterday is said and done, what can come to light today, is still to be seen.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Dare to go slowly with certain people and dare to say: “Look, this is the way I see it but you may have your own opinion.” This can then perhaps lead to a conversation that is real, that is based on reality and this is always better than fantasy, this is always better than to begin thinking and thinking: ‘It should be like this.’ This leads you nowhere.
It is better to talk about your real life, about your true feelings, your true thoughts, about your worries, about what you are busy with, so that the other also learns to be him- or herself in a genuine and beneficial way.
Because when you are being yourself you also understand that the other should be able to be himself and that there are so very many things to be learned in life. When you step outside of yourself into a projection of: ‘This is how I would like to be,’ and if you then speak as if you were already like this, then you are actually constructing a kind of rickety ladder; then you will miss a rung and won’t know how to go on. Because if you declare: “This is how I am,” while only knowing that this is how you would like to be, then it is just as if at that moment the rung of the ladder breaks and you can go no further, because then you also cannot have a conversation.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“People sometimes find themselves facing impossible situations when they discover: ‘My child is like this and my husband is like that, and I never noticed before that this was how they were and now I’ve discovered that they want this or that they want to do such and such, and I never imagined that they would do this or want that.’
And when this kind of situation presents itself you may think: ‘How should I deal with this and how do I go about finding what will bring clarity and a solution to their lives?’ Sometimes you will engage yourself too much in these affairs and you should not do so too hastily.
Dare to give the other some time. If there is something he wants then just let him have his desire but let him take care of it himself.
If you wish to help you can, but don’t help too much, so that the other realizes: ‘If I really want something then I also have to actually do something for it.’ So, don’t do it in someone else’s place, because then you will be stepping out of your own life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Your personal life requires a cautious approach. In order to know what renewal is you have to dare to be cautious. It makes no sense to rush things in your daily life or to live in a kind of absent-minded haste - this makes no sense. Try to be calm.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The path you will come upon is a path of light, and this means you will find. Whereas otherwise you go around in a daze, from one thing to the other, not knowing, the path of light is a path of discovery. It means you will begin to do things from out of yourself and you will know: 'It's good that I'm doing this now.’
You may get the feeling: ‘Now I have to do this,’ that you therefore have that contact with the rhythm of the Earth; that you go along with the flow of renewal; that you know: ‘It's important that I do this now and, as for later, I'll see.’ You don't need to know the whole plan.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You can learn from very many people. You do not, however, have to learn from every person; try to make a distinction.
There are people who are in the renewal, there are people who are working in the right way, there are people who have a fascination for beauty and there are others who don't really fit in with your life, who are perhaps also working with beauty but in another way. It may then be that you are not able to appreciate this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The greatness of God lies in the fact that He can be busy with little things and can be totally present in that.
God's whole plan lies hidden in each and every detail of creation; the presence of God lies hidden within each atom.
When you learn to see this you reach the infinity in your own life and also see that you can always keep going further in this discovery.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There is no limit to the discoveries of life and there will never be a limit.
This is why people who live in wonderment have the right perspective: they learn to open themselves to life. They are not like the arrogant person who declares: "I know myself and I know the other, and I know what the world is, and I know what an atom is, and I know, and I know..." while in fact they know nothing.
You can recognize this about someone: if they are open to the infinite then they live with gratitude, with joy and with openness. When a person shuts him- or herself off and says "I know..." while they do not know, then they are in a delusion and they are thinking. And with this thinking they may well be completely wrong.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The offering means being of service to the other, it means you are being of service to what is deeper in yourself.
Hence, when you are of service to the other you touch your own being. You bring out the deepest of your being and from there you learn to see what life is like, and from there you can also show others what life is like.
But without expectation; without going along with what the other wants from you. Because the other may want this or that from you but, if you are in your originality, you will perhaps give something completely different from what the other would want.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Actually, you have a point of contact with everything. You are never alone and you are never on your own. You are connected to everything and with everyone, with the whole universe and with everything in existence, and you should learn to experience this connectedness, you should learn to objectively give it a place in your heart. If you can do this then you will be able to go forward and you will learn to know the reality.
People often live detached from reality because they think too much, they are too fragmented and take no account of the original reality present in existence.
Your existence is the existence. Don't imagine that you are somewhere outside of existence or that you would somehow be incapable of knowing the whole of existence. It is present, it is present as a seed and you can allow it to blossom by working with it. Not by running away from it. Not by diving into adventures but, on the contrary, by going into the silence and to the peace of your heart. It is so amazing! Once you realize this, then you can know everything.
In other words, the reality lies within you and it is this reality which you can relate to all things, so that you can gather together the essentiality of all things in your own heart.
Don't think that this is just a fairy tale or something unreal, on the contrary, it is the reality and it is from this reality, from your heart, that you should learn to look at 'the' reality around you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“When you delve down onto the stage of your creativity, you will see that there you can play any role and that it doesn't matter which role you play; it always comes to the same thing: that it’s a play and that initially you are not able to see to where it will lead.
But if you keep on playing this role you will never arrive. There comes a certain moment when you have to let go of a particular role and know that you can play a greater role. And this is something you must learn in life itself.
Hence, you have to learn to play roles in life; you should be able to at one time play this role and at another time play another role, and yet you have to really do it from your heart, from you knowing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Going forward means seeing and learning to see. Going forward means opening yourself to new things. For be aware: in order to go forward you have to be able to let go of the old.
Very many people have trouble doing this. They see someone and then always tend to want to project onto him or her what they already know about this person or have noticed about them. In so doing they are making the mistake of entertaining something like: ‘this is the way you are, I know you to be like this,’ and then they fail to see the person who is actually there in front of them.
You should be able to let go of that past, of that projection, and know that, as a new person yourself, you can look at someone anew.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“If you go to someone with love then you are doing something, you are achieving something. This means that something comes into being that was not there before and that will stay when you leave. Hence, something has been realized. Love creates reality.
Make sure that when you go to someone with love you continue on with that love. Do not leave before you have anchored that love, as it were, and know: ‘In my heart I have remained faithful to my idea of working with love.’
Because love is not easy. You may have the best of intentions to act with love and yet, depending on your will or your desire, you will give other things priority in order to say: “Yes, actually I don't want to be loving but I do want to achieve a result.” Then you are wrong.
You should not look to achieve a result - even though you are involved with results. You should look at love and continue to love and anchor yourself in love.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“If you are searching for peace then do it consciously, and realize what it means to learn to see things in a quiet and calm way, without worrying about little things.
Because the world is full of so many little things, and you can be so preoccupied with them that you keep orientating yourself in such a way that you say: “And now, first I have to do this and then that and then that...” . And in this way your head is full of twenty or thirty things you should be doing, but the one essential thing, the peace, the silence, is not even on your list and you never get around to it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Now it's a fact that you can certainly find this openness within yourself. Because if you are confined within something - in a house, in some place, in a thought - then you can always keep on going until you finally find your freedom.
Therefore, you can find a spaciousness in any kind of situation, with any kind of thought, in any kind of circumstance, because you can always involve your heart in it. Whether you are in prison or in a confined space or in a thought, if you engage your heart then you will find a freedom, openness, an expansion.
Essentially, no one can ever dominate you. There are no external circumstances so determinative that they could lead you away from your real task and your own discoveries.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You are not being left on your own and you will meet Me on your way. Maybe not immediately - although this is of course a possibility - but you will be aware of Me and some of you will see Me, some will be comforted by Me.
Know that your introduction to these books was My wish and it is also My aim to keep you engaged with them.
So realize that you are not alone. In your life I will look after you; I will watch and follow you, unless you would rather I don’t.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“It is very important to learn to live with light, to turn on the light, as it were, to see to it that your consciousness grows, to be aware there is light. This is imperative.
Also when you are in the dark or when you are lost, wandering about somewhere, when you don't know how it is you feel or when you feel depressed... at such a time remember that there is light and then you will be able to experience that light.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You should be able to go slowly in life. Whatever your age, whatever your ambition may be, whatever strength you have, whatever vision you have, you should go slowly. You should not force anything.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Firstly, you should try to look upon the Earth as being an element of peace for you.
If you are in a struggle with the Earth - and I am speaking here about the great Earth, if you cannot easily manage to see this great Earth or cannot easily accept it or give it a place in your life - then there is a struggle, a fight, but it's a hopeless struggle because it is one you cannot win. The Earth is too big and too noble and too grand to be blamelessly reproached for not caring for you. Therefore, try to make peace with the Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Each day on this Earth is a unique experience - in terms of time, of energy, of possibilities - and this is something you can well sense: ‘Today, what can I do today?’
You become aware of the time you spend on this Earth and in the morning you ask yourself: ‘What will my day be like today, what should I do today?’ And through your connection with the Earth, the being Earth, from the smile the Earth gives you, you will suddenly know: ‘This is what I should do; this is what I can do today.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The Earth always knows what people need. She always knows what to bring you in the way of experiences, circumstances, of possibilities that had not been available before and now present themselves. Therefore, in your life you also share in her possibilities. There will always be energies coming from the Earth, which consciously attempt to push forward issues that have importance for the whole of humanity.
In your life, you too can come into contact with these conscious energies. Nothing is coincidental but it is difficult to evaluate the Earth's consciousness, where she wants to go, in which way she wants to achieve certain things and what her life is.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There is so much you can achieve by living very simply, by thinking very simply.
It doesn't always need to be difficult, you don't always need to solve major problems, you don't always need to have the impression that you are once again sitting at your school desk learning difficult lessons in the school of life. Of course, it may be that difficult things need to be learned but this is mostly not the case and neither should you ask for this, because life's lessons are difficult enough.
Therefore: if it happens that everything is good in your life, that it's peaceful and pleasant, know that you can be happy with a moment like this. Then you allow a bit of joy to come into your life and this is something you should learn to do.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If God would only be taking account of what we think, what we feel, and what we say, then at certain moments we would have the impression: ‘I’m all on my own and I can’t go forward.’
But God takes more into account. He not only takes account of what you do, of what you think and of what you feel, but He knows what is important for you. And at certain moments He will place this importance in your life so that you can experience it.
It is as if your life were lifted up and temporarily placed in a greater reality, in order that you might learn to see what this greater reality is, so that you can experience what this greater reality really is.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If you are aware that you are a child of God then at the same time you will have a Divine Father, at the same time you will have a Divine Mother.
If you become conscious of this from the tangibles of life ─ that you are not alone in your life, in life, but that there is a force in your existence that comes from the Divine, that you have an actual Divine Father and an actual Divine Mother, that God exists ─ then, at the same time, a reasonableness comes to your heart with which you can put things into perspective, put difficulties into perspective, whereby you are capable of stepping aside a bit and saying: “Okay, these are my problems, I can look at them in a calm way and now I understand.”
Because you can gain insight into life, into your life, even in the midst of difficulties, and often this is precisely the goal. Not that the problems are solved but that you realize how they can be solved. In other words, that you learn to know life in the difficulties and through the difficulties. However, simply knowing that you are not alone is already a big turnabout in your life, it can signify a big turnabout.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You should know that what is beautiful in you is inspired by God. God is never very far away from you. He is the one who puts the words in your heart for you to speak. He is the one who shows what love is. He is the one who touches you when you feel beaten and lose courage, and He is the one who always provides new challenges, so that you would look forward to a new tomorrow, look forward to once again doing your best and seeing what lies ahead. Don’t dwell on disasters and misfortunes; try to live with God’s love and with the peace of your own heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Once you learn to handle yourself on a higher level you will receive inspirations on this higher level. Therefore, whatever you do makes a difference. The way you speak with your neighbour makes a difference. If you put someone down when you speak, then you will go down with them. If you lift someone up when you speak, then you will also be lifted up together with them.
And when you begin living on a higher level you will consequently also receive different information, different insights; different realities will come to you, will be brought to you; in other words, you will experience a different energy from which you will also gain new insights.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Whenever you give your attention to the people around you, those very close to you, your own family, the people at work,... know that there is nothing you need to do. You don’t need to change them, you don’t need to think: ‘I should be keeping busy with them, continually, from morning till evening’; that is not how it is.
Sometimes you have to be able to let them go - even those close to you - just to simply be in your own life. This is very important.
If you want to deepen yourself, to go to the depth, if you want to find your own joy, then it is important that you are able to be honest with yourself, but this takes time. And sometimes you should be able to steal some of that time for yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If you feel that there is nothing but confusion and difficulties in your life, then know that you can still find comfort. God can comfort you.
And from that inner consolation, from that inner knowing that God exists, much is possible, even at times when things are difficult in your life.
Now, you might think that He won’t be able to comfort you, but you will always keep experiencing that He is indeed doing just that. Even, for instance, if you are have an incurable illness, God can comfort you. Even if you are alone and lonely in life, God can comfort you. Even if you are asking the wrong questions, God can make you realize that you are living with the wrong questions and that you can find the right questions to ask. Even if you are doing things that are not good, God can show you that what you are doing is not good.
Everything is in His hands. All the possibilities are in his hands. But at some point you must learn to ask, to ask God: “Help me, because I can’t do it.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“In that search for your life, in that ambivalent search, in that hesitant search, you are being helped. But sometimes you cannot see this because you do not assume you are being helped.
If you would know: ‘God exists; God is busy with me; God knows my heart,’ then it would be a lot easier.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You’ll see, even if you only try a little to do your best with something that is new for you, it will again give you the courage to do things, also for others.
And though it might be difficult in your life for a while, you will manage. And it’s important for you to know that you are someone important.
There is solace for you. You only need to make a slight effort to do your best, to take a small step, and then you will see that things will be arranged for you: that someone comes to you, that you are comforted, that there is indeed a possibility in your life. But don’t leave it entirely over to God, because that’s not the way it works.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You are not obliged to do everything others want from you. You have to also somewhat want it for yourself, and decide: ‘Can I do this? Do I want to do this? Is it good for me?’ If it isn’t good then don't do it, leave it to others.
Don’t ever engage yourself to the point that you do whatever is asked of you, this is not necessary. Know that in the goodness of your heart you can make distinctions between people as well as between things, and this is something you may do.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Be careful with yourself and be like a child, like a child that knows his or her boundaries, that sleeps when it is tired, that eats when it is hungry, that can go to its mother to ask: “Mommy, give me something; daddy, do something for me.”
Be like a child in your relation to God. Not in relation to your fellow persons, there you should take your responsibilities, there you should do what you inwardly feel is good, pure, reliable and virtuous.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“The attention you give people is important for various reasons. By giving your attention to other people you are actually finding yourself. By simply noticing people you experience things in life and also in your soul.
When you look at people with interest, with love, a force comes to you, something comes into your life that was not there before, and this is something you can learn.
You can be calm around people by learning to be calm in your own life. You don’t need to be frightened of people. If you can learn to do this you are in fact doing an important work, because learning to live with love effects many changes on this Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“God will never forget a single one of your feelings, God will never forget a single tear you have shed, He knows everything about your life and He is thankful for it, for you.
Because you are a part of His life, you are the heart of His heart, you are the love of His love. If you can realize this you will be open for so much more and you will also see what path you can take.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Smoking, drinking, drugs and so forth, these can be managed; this has to be learned. The deep force in the essence of the person’s being shows that they can be happy in him- or herself and don’t need all those things to be happy. In other words, they don’t need to drown their sorrows, they don’t need to do things which are not good and harm the body in order to mask their unhappiness. One should see to it that they are physically fit enough to be able to stand up to the addiction.
When something risks becoming an addiction, it's really important to say: “This has gone far enough, I shouldn’t do this,” and you should explain this to yourself. Your soul understands that you shouldn’t do this, inwardly you know you shouldn’t do this, so explain to your mind that you must not do it. Take your life in hand in such a way that you know: ‘Look, this has to change.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“God is love. God is fire. He knows exactly what you need. If you can believe this you won’t immediately have the feeling: ‘Now I understand,’ but He will make sure that you will understand, in His good time.
If you have the right attitude then things that are important for you will be brought to you. This could be through your neighbour, through your child, through circumstances, because of changes at work or through someone or something else, but He knows precisely what His plan is for you, and you then enter into that plan. Your intuition will become sharper.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Therefore, if you are working well in life, if you are living in a careful way with the reality that is within you, you will be able to cope with anything. All the sorrows of the world, all the difficulties, you will be able to cope with all the terrible things because you lay them in God’s hands, but above all you will also offer your love to God.
Because this is what a person must show, they should show that they love God, without expecting that it should be a calculated exchange: “I give You this and now You should do something for me.” You cannot go this far. You cannot determine what God should do for you; that is not love.
You will notice, too, if you are truly loving, that you will indeed lay it all in God’s hands, that you leave it up to Him because after all He knows, and, from His love, He knows what is meant for you and what is important for you. This will bring you a great inner peace.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If there are things which are difficult, you can present these to God and can receive wisdom drawn from these difficulties. You can meet someone on your way who can work it out for you or you can have a dream that solves the problem, or you can be given a hint, completely unexpectedly, totally out of the blue, something that gives you the idea: ‘I’ve been living with this question for so long and now suddenly have an answer.’
It is good to live with this basis, to have this trust that God will bring the solution.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If you, yourself, have gone a little distance along that way, then in that little distance you will have discovered a tremendous force within yourself, a tremendous love, and, in turn, you will then be able to be a support for others.
But if you are a help to someone then don’t ever expect that this other should do something for you in return, this is not what love is. Do something for the other and then let it go and even be grateful that you were able to do this. But never do too much.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If you feel you have made mistakes in your life, don’t be sad. Know that within you there is room for forgiveness, but also that you will be forgiven for your mistakes.
You need not feel bitter about your past. People have perhaps put you at a disadvantage, have perhaps said things which have touched you deeply or even torn you apart, and it could be that you are stuck on this, on that moment of despair, on that what has hurt you so deeply, but you shouldn’t do this.
With all your heart try to forgive and, if you can’t, then ask the Divine Mother to help you, for She can truly comfort you and show you the right perspective.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Your heart will tell you what is important and what isn’t important. But sometimes it happens that a person begins to fight with him- or herself. You try to convince yourself; you’ve listened to one or other authority that supposedly knows it better than you and then you live according to what the other demands of you or says to you. This you should not do. Whoever may be around you, try to listen to yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Many people are able to overcome their fears once they feel that they are understood, and this is a major point: the person who has a kind of balance should try to listen to their fellow persons.
This is an important gift, there are not many people who can really listen. But when people become themselves, when people grow in balance, in harmony, they can learn to listen, to listen to their fellow persons, to listen to the real need - not to the alleged need, not to things that people complain about, but they can nearly see through to the background, see what the deeper problem of a particular family or a particular person is. If you are honest with yourself, you can sense this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Imagine you are being provoked by others - then look to see why these others are able to make a claim like this to your life, why they have such an influence on your life. And try to see if you could perhaps not be someone else, or if you could not have another idea about yourself, look to see if you are not perhaps harming yourself through your so-called need of those others’ thoughts, of their ideas.
Why can’t you manage to have a good thought about your life? Try this once, when you have a moment try to do something about which you know: ‘This is good’; at that point you will have no need of the other, you will have a sense of satisfaction, you will have a little bit of that fullness, a little bit of that honest feeling of ‘here I am and here I can find myself again.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen
“Inwardly, many people are embarrassed to explain to themselves what it means to live with God, because often they think that their fellow persons - their husband, children, family - will not be able to accept it, and this may give them the feeling of indeed being adrift, of being alone. But, to start with, you should certainly not be put off by this.
Try to make a little corner for yourself, your own space. Try, as it were, to be busy with these big things in a small way, without stress, without asking too much of yourself. A little moment to be in contact with the invisible world, a moment to be alone, when you are somewhere just waiting for something or when you are just at home, a lost moment, a moment to turn your attention to what is important in life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Look for the beautiful things in your fellow persons and try to emphasize those. But first of all try to also find the beautiful things in yourself and try to strengthen these, then you will be someone who is living with the right attitude.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If you feel you are all alone and if there is a sense of melancholy in your life, if you think: 'Yes, I'm not doing this well and I can’t manage to find it and there is no one to help, no one to support me and I feel sad,' then this can indeed be a difficult moment, yet you should never despair. At such a time try to give your sadness to Me; I will take if from you, I know what to do with your sadness.
It is not because you are sad that you must also carry your sadness by yourself. If you cannot carry it then give it to Me, I will bless you, I will send you God’s love, the love of God that is in My heart. I will listen to you and I will comfort you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If four times a day, after every morning, afternoon, evening and night, you take five minutes to contemplate the period just passed, you would soon realize that you are noticing much more and that the following quarter-day goes by much more easily. This is because you will become immediately aware of what is important. But this contemplation requires concentration on your actions: ‘What have I done this morning? What have I done this afternoon?’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 1: ‘Action and reflection’ ©
“You can ask for powers within yourself. You have within yourself - once you are aware of it - an infinite potential. There are times when you may think: “Oh no, I can’t do this!” But then, realizing that there is a power within you that is capable of doing it, you can summon this power and then you will discover that you can indeed accomplish what you thought you couldn’t.
In this way you will never find yourself confronted with the impossible. There are always possibilities at your disposal. You simply don’t see them because you haven’t summoned the powers you need.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 5: ‘Power in yourself’ ©
“To come closer to love, you must be able to see the self. You must be able to approach the self as something that has to learn to express itself. And this is not easy because you often say: “If I obeyed myself I would do this and that and that” but then you turn around and think: ‘What about the other, what will he or she think about it?’ and this is wrong.
You should dare to be yourself in the presence of the other and to let go of thoughts about what the other might think. Unless you are able to do this you cannot come to love. So you must allow yourself to be born, so to speak. You must show yourself to be as you really are. Once you begin learning to do this, you will see that it gradually becomes easier and easier to do.
Expressing this self is not easy at first because you will find yourself expressing your thoughts. But then ask yourself: ‘Are these really my thoughts or am I thinking things that the other wants me to think and saying things that he or she wants me to say?’ and herein lies the difference. In this way it is possible to spend much time, maybe years, simply reiterating what others say and never really saying what you yourself would like to say. And here again is the difficulty.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 8: ‘Love and sexuality (1)’ ©
“Considering your knowledge about the other, you may, eventually, be able to give them some interesting advice but - and I hasten to add this - at the correct time, not always and not continuously. This is something you have to learn to do because if you begin to preach pedantically at them you will become a boring, irritating person and instead of bringing you closer it will take you further apart. This is totally wrong, because we people should see to it that our hearts are in the right place. We should be able to show the other our affection even though we can see through them and perhaps find them distant and cold or not as we think they should be. It’s important that we come to one another with a warm heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 1: ‘Asking questions in a changing world’ ©
“In one way or another you should try to help those who are depressed and distraught but not in such a way that you end up doing things they should be doing for themselves. You should give them a hand, look in on them, see how they’re getting on; there should be a contact. Just this contact alone can save so many people. You should be vigilant for this, for there will always be people around you who are discouraged, in the dumps or not in a state to find a way out of their depression. Then you can show them what love is. But not - and I repeat it explicitly - not by doing for them what they are able to do for themselves. (…) No, let it happen, but be there for them; the fact you are there, the contact, is important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 5: ‘Side by side with the Master’ ©
“It doesn’t mean you always have to want to become younger, but you will find - however old you are - your face appearing younger when you dare to live with joy. Even your whole body will feel younger and suppler, whatever illness you may have, whatever your troubles may be. An illness can cause you to live in despair but if you would look at life from the perspective of infinity, then there would never be a reason to despair.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“You shouldn’t have the impression your body is completed, you shouldn’t have the feeling of being satisfied with it, but you should have the feeling that you can be happy with it, happy to be living in a body. Whatever happens you should feel like this.
Whatever the condition of your body may be - an illness or something unpleasant - you should still be happy with your body, curious as this may seem. The ideal would be if you could be happy with your body right up until the minute before your death, for that would mean you are dealing with your body in a totally different way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“The body has its own needs, its own questions and will also continually call for people’s attention.
Many people deal with physical matters in the wrong way, waiting until they fall ill before paying attention to their body, and this shouldn’t happen. People should be busy with their physicality in a relaxed, sober, familiar manner.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“Don’t allow your body to dominate you; you should be the master of your body. If you have an addiction it means a reversal has taken place. It means the body is the one protesting and setting its own rhythms, and saying: “Look here, I want this and that.”
If you are too weak in dealing with your body you will always be enticed to give in and so become the slave of your own physicalness. This is meaningless, for then you are not living but are letting yourself be lived. The physical element will then grasp hold of the wrong things because it’s reacting to a memory, and the memory contains a kind of history of what you have allowed to happen to it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“I would like you to take a pause in your life, to look at what your life has been like up until now. Not to do something with it. Not to blame yourself. Not to say: “It should be better.” No, you should bring heaven down to Earth. You should be happy in the state you are at this moment.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 8: ‘The world of the heart’ ©
“I am concerned with your life, I like you, I love you. This means there are things emanating from Me that have a bearing on your life. I’m organizing your life. This means I can see you, I am following you, I’m busy with you and you will experience this. If not today, then tomorrow, the day after, in a month, a year ... no matter, it will come.
Don’t sit and wait for it; there will come a time you will hear My step, feel My presence, behold My love; things will happen in your life because it’s My intention to be busy with you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 10: ‘Who am I?’ ©
“Never try to refer to someone else; look to yourself and how you can get through life.
However, here again is this difficulty of letting the other go, but then totally. You should be able to enjoy those who are close to you but not look at them in order to do as they do. You must let them go to be completely themselves.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 14: ‘You and the others’ ©
“When you are close to people, you will feel able to let these people go if you trust your heart. You should be able to see this very distinctly. This is not about letting people go and leaving them to stand out in the cold, no, it has to do with the fact that you involve your heart and you purify your heart. The reason that the other cannot become himself or herself has very much to do with people’s thoughts and the interweaving of thoughts.
When you are together with someone with your heart and you let go of your thoughts, then an enormous transformation can come into the life of this other person.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“By living with your heart you will transform the whole of your surroundings. But you shouldn’t put a time limit on it. You mustn’t ask for an account. You mustn’t keep tabs on it. No, you should have faith.
That is the only thing I would like to add: living with the energy from the heart is something you do with faith; having faith that the heart knows what it wants and that the heart does the right things. This is something you can’t see, for at first the light in the heart will shine but dimly, it will be a tiny emanation. And the more you live with your heart, the stronger the light will grow.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“You can let your thoughts descend to your heart and there they will be given a very thorough washing. A washing that takes place within, from the inside out. The thoughts will remain, but they will be transformed. A negative thought, one that is dull, without tone and without resonance, will immediately be given a radiance because something will have been added. The thought stays but something is added, a color is added, a tone, a warmth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“A thought carries an energy; it’s not all the same what you think and it’s not all the same what you say. Each thought bears an energy that creates the world, your world. So, in this way, it’s true that you are doing something in the outer world but, in the first place, you are doing something in your own world.
They are your thoughts and they are creating your own world.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“When looking at people, realize that they have a longing to develop, to flourish and to go forward. Even though they may often not be able to show it, this is the way it is.
Many people are busy in the wrong way and then it is just like a flower that closes itself. Yet they think they are working in the right direction and this is not true. They are busy with the wrong values, with the wrong energies in their lives, which is why they close themselves, and they don’t realize it. They aren’t able to see this and, if you would tell them, they would certainly not accept it because they can’t see it for themselves.
The only way they could see it is when you open yourself for love and for other values; then they will notice the difference.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“It can happen that someone steers you into a conversation but that actually their only aim is to have a discussion in order to give form to their negative thoughts. Then you can say what you will, but their only desire will be to have a quarrel and they are only busy with the opposite of what they actually would like to achieve - with an opposite energy.
Whenever you feel this, then it’s best to stay silent. When there are children around who are absolutely intent on achieving the opposite - they do one thing and say something else, or they want something from you as reaction to their own issues and they then turn this around; you give an answer and they make something else out of it - then you should stay silent, you shouldn’t go into it.
Let it go, because they are using the wrong energy and by getting a response they would thereby be strengthening their own negative energy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The Kingdom of God’ ©
“The person who is prepared to not think, who therefore no longer puts on a particular pair of glasses, but just allows the reality to be there, as it is in his life, without any thought; the one who can become so simple that he doesn’t even think about what he sees but just allows the reality into himself, has reached the state of being able to live with the Divine, with the oneness, with the simplicity of life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 4: ‘The infinite Self’ ©
“When you are together with people you must really dare to observe them without judgment, without trying to figure them out. Just observe them, somewhat in an absent-minded way, casually, almost in a distracted manner, enjoying yourself and - I repeat it here again because this is very important - not judging them.
Refraining from judgment will give you a clearer impression of people. When you interact with others in an easy-going way, free of the pressure of having to do or say certain things or demand anything from yourself, when you are relaxed in the company of others, then you can allow yourself to just be yourself and this is really important.
By being yourself when you are together with someone - be it your husband, your child or another member of your family, a parent, with whomever it may be - it might be that you are given a new life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 1: ‘Trancending your doubts’ ©
“Each time you express yourself and try to attain peace, you are engaging yourself in a very important work.
Peace is somewhat like happiness. It’s a happiness that radiates out to others and acts as a shock absorber between the different elements of the antitheses. Peace is a great work. It isn’t easy and doesn’t come of itself.
Peace is work; this means you cover a certain distance, from here to there, making your way through problems and over obstacles, and by doing this you are reuniting people.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 3: ‘Making peace’ ©
“The way in which you do things for yourself is very important. Don’t directly jump to the conclusion that you must do things for others, for many mistakes are made in this way. A person is prone to think that as soon as they have learned something they should directly put that learning into practice in order to help others. No, be careful, dare to go slowly, but go on, don’t give up.
It’s a bit like a road you travel. Step by step, keep on going in the direction you have taken and of which you know: ‘Look here, this means something to me.’ This is the way you should try to keep track of yourself; you must use your intuition, the deepness in yourself, you should be able to follow your heart and know that in this way you are doing something important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 8: ‘The right attitude to life’ ©
“You can only go beyond yourself by coming closer to yourself, always more and more. It seems contradictory, but isn’t. When, with love you go within your own heart and, from there, deal lovingly with your environment; you attain more peace, you go closer to yourself and have more patience with everything.
For the more loving you are, the more patience you will have and the more you will learn to understand the meaning of growth. Growth is something that happens gradually and slowly, but when you grow with love you will grow faster and will also have more patience. Thereby, you will learn to discover yourself in the correct way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 9: ‘You can realize yourself’ ©
“Thus, you should be able to let go of certain things, things about which you think: ‘I don’t agree with that, that’s not nice, that’s not good.’ Then you should use the sword and say: “This doesn’t need to be part of my life, I'll just drop it.”
Whatever it may be and no matter how much others try to convince you otherwise, if it’s not for you, then it’s not for you. So, you should dare to make choices, and this is very important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“It’s not that you are just beginning, for you are someone who has found a path in life, you have traveled a way and chosen, in part, for yourself.
But I would like you to trust yourself more and allow your inner Self more expression. It isn’t that you can’t, otherwise I wouldn’t say this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“If you assume you are bad, then you’re looking at it the wrong way. Then you are putting yourself on the defensive against all that is good, for you begin thinking: ‘I’ve done this and I’ve done that,’ and you don’t think it’s good and then you try to change yourself.
No, you must look at what is good in yourself and you should assume that whatever comes spontaneously to the fore is good. If you go about it in this way, you will suddenly notice more of the good qualities in yourself and you will have faith in all that you do. It may be that you do wrong things, but that’s not so terrible. You will see: ‘In the end, it came out all right because I was able to learn from it.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Perhaps you think you should fight against evil but I say you must not do this.
You should be able to see that evil exists, be able to see it and know it is real. You mustn’t be naïve and say it doesn’t exist. No, evil really exists and the dark side of life is a reality. This means you must learn to notice evil and must learn to get the feel of what it is, how it works, and know that it is a dumb power trying to prove itself.
But you have nothing to prove. If you are good, you have nothing to prove, you have only to learn to be what you are. You must try to express who you are and, you'll see, you will always manage to do this better and better.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Know that prayer is something very powerful. If you pray for your children they will be guided through whatever experiences they undergo in life and be protected against the greatest disasters and the worst suffering.
Dare to pray for your children. An experience that would be a tremendous shock for them without prayer, will be less frightening if you pray for them, and then they will go through life with more ease.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 11 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“You shouldn’t see the Earth as a place that is permanent. It is temporary. See the Earth as something transitory, not only for yourself but also for others. If you can see this, your desire will become sharper and clearer.
Because if you see how transient the Earth is and how ephemeral your life here on it is, then perhaps you have not longed enough for the things you really desire to achieve on this Earth. Realize that desire can get you there.
It is never too late to delve within yourself and look again at your desires and to see what more there is that you can still experience on this Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Many people are sometimes disillusioned in life and this is because they don’t have the correct desire.
When you look at your desires and see what you can achieve in your existence, what you can do, then it may be that your desires have dissipated in all kinds of directions and you don’t see any definite desire. It’s possible, for example, that you had wanted to go in a certain direction and that then something came in the way and you are no longer aware that this desire is still there, or that it has been replaced by another kind of desire, and that there is something like a tug of war going on between the two. You should be able to look at this in yourself, and look at it accurately.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“When you bring movement into your life by saying: “I want to do this, I want to go there, I want to be doing that” - then you will always feel the power within yourself that comes from the clarity you bring to your desires.
For desires can often be hazy, and if you take action then your desire can become more concrete, make itself more intelligible, and then it either grows or diminishes.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Listen to beautiful things, write beautiful things, do beautiful things, for it is beauty that will guide you and it is beauty that will lead you to your own soul. Your own soul is divine, it is beauty itself. The closer you live with your soul, the more beauty you can count on coming into your life.
Don’t be afraid of beauty. You should be able to wake and fall asleep with it. Know that beauty adorns your soul and is the power of your consciousness.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 16 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Take, for example, a habit you may have noticed in yourself. If it’s a bad habit, then you shouldn’t only pay attention to this bad habit - trying to change it - but you must put something alongside it that is interesting and powerful and new.
If you want to change yourself, you should be able to be busy with the old and the new at the same time. It’s no use worrying about how you could give up a bad habit that continually embarrasses you, and about how to deal with it, unless you place something alongside it that is new and original and important to you.
When you work on two levels, with both the old and new, and giving more of your attention to the new, then you’re on the right track. Then you can realize wonderful changes in yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“Time and time again a joy comes to the one who dares to live with joy.
It isn’t necessary to be really joyful in order to live with joy, for joy is something you can learn to accept, it’s simply there. When you allow joy into your heart, when you accept joy within yourself, then it is there. Even though you may be in the most difficult and painful of circumstances, if you concentrate upon the joy that is there, then you can experience it.
It’s good to do this every now and again, to be able to see and find this joy within yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“When you allow the energy of joy to enter within your heart, you can also direct it. It’s a well-known fact that you can share your joy with others. To do this there is no need to write or sing or talk about it, you just have to know it is there and look at people who are not joyful.
As you look at those people who are not joyful, something of your energy goes out to them, call it a kind of compassion, a sense of responsibility, an awareness of how people may suffer and be unable to find their way, as it were. When you live in joy you will give significance to these people’s lives. Through their suffering they are sometimes unable to see things as they really are. But if you can stand by them, with the joy in your heart, it will be revelatory and, by your joy, they will try to see things as they really are.
For no sorrow upon this Earth is insensitive to joy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“The duality of this Earth is essential. It is because of the counterforces that you can shape yourself and become the person you are supposed to finally be.
Don’t think that when you are confronted with things which are negative or with forces that work against you, you are making mistakes, for this negativity will always be there.
There is a constructive force on this Earth that is very important and, at the same time, there is also a destructive force that is also very important. There is always a battle going on between these two forces, and this actually brings about a deepening of life itself. When you can take part in this, you will more consciously be able to make choices.
If you can look into both the positive and the negative and understand their meaning, you will be able to learn very much from this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“You should dare to find joy in the small things of everyday life, such as a flower, a piece of music, a little detail, whatever you can find that involves beauty.
When beauty is within you and you can see how beautiful life can be, you can approach this joy and this is, as it were, the staircase to the angels.
It is something scintillating, it is a structure which is set up around you so that you can find your way to the angels and the angels can find their way to you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 4 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“It’s important to find the rhythm in your life. What is important at this moment? Perhaps this is the moment to open your hands to let go of things. Or you may perhaps say: “Now is the time for me to take in and assimilate certain things.” That is then something else. You mustn’t go against yourself, you should respect yourself and the particular moment in your life.
In the near future you may have the impression that the moment has come for you to take up these texts and incorporate them in your life. This will then, without doubt, be a quite appropriate and correct impulse. But don’t force yourself or lie awake worrying because you are not doing anything with them. This isn’t necessary, for you need to take your time to assimilate these texts into your life and wait for the right moment.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“Now and then you should visit people who are alone, who are lonely and don’t know what to do with their lives. Doing this may be greatly significant because then it may be that your angel will care for them.
You should know that this is then very special, for you will receive a blessing. You will experience this as being a great treasure in your life, for it is a very great energy that leads a person from one thing to the other, and so you are being guided.
If the idea comes to you: ‘I should go there’ - then you must try to go, for this always has a meaning.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“It’s important to realize that the spiritual path is different and unique for everyone, otherwise you may make the mistake of lapsing into jealousy and this inhibits your development.
You must never be jealous. When someone has experienced a so-called meeting with an angel in a certain state of perception, vision, dream, a meditation or in normal daily consciousness, then you must realize that this is possible for you too, even if at that moment you can’t imagine how.
Angels exist and even if you aren’t able to experience them, know they are there, also in your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“Every time you are confronted with yourself and are inclined to go in a particular direction, then realize that you should also learn to look in other directions, look to other cultures, to other possibilities and to other elements in your life which you should also be able to integrate.
You must never use your energies by only wanting one thing, for then you fossilize and go to work like a kind of mummy. When you only desire one thing, then you can have it but it will be an impoverishment.
You should know that when you are in the midst of a certain development, you should always look in different directions, although you don’t need to go into all of them. Try to get in touch with the different trends and try to always keep a broad and universal view. The energy with which to go forward will then be greater.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“Praying for the Earth is a task that is irreplaceable.
Each person who prays for the Earth is irreplaceable; for your prayer is a different prayer from that of the person beside you. You have a unique vibration and unique possibilities, and again here the angels play a part. The power that goes out from you to the Earth can be extremely subtle and the colour you bring to the Earth is your own unique delicate hue.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“There will always be energies to lead you onward. However, one day will differ from another. One day you will make progress and the other not. Don’t let this bother you. There will always be things to guide you and take you further, though not necessarily in detail.
Therefore you should be able to see the major threads in your life. Over the months and years of your life, as you make progress and go forward, you will discover yourself becoming ever more joyful. You will begin to notice a constructiveness taking place in your life, enabling you to make use of a certain simple energy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“If you want to experience everything, you’ll find yourself running short of time, because interesting and exciting new things will keep coming up, forcing you to make a choice. That’s why it’s important to learn to make choices in your daily life; that you dare to make choices.
It’s important to look within and dare to live from there and say: “This is something for me and that isn’t.” Making such choices is good because thereby you can gain clarity in your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“Life has a rhythm, and through patience you can get to know that rhythm and realize: ‘Now I can do this and later I can do something else.’ In this way, you learn to be flexible and you learn to go along with the rhythm. Patience can teach you this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“In every type of work there is always something that comes to you from the world and something you can learn by concentrating on that work. Don’t, however, be in a rush, otherwise you won’t be able to see it.
On this Earth it’s possible for people to live more slowly and, by so doing, to allow certain ideas to come to the fore. Because in the reality you are working in, there are always ideas somewhere in the background, ideas of which you cannot immediately be aware. You can only discover them if you go to work slowly, because that’s when the ideas come to you, along with what you are doing. That’s perhaps a bit strangely put, yet that’s how it works.
When you are working slowly, with concentration, fully focused on what is taking place, then you can discover the fact that there is more going on than just that work. Something happens within you; by your concentration you tap into new ideas and this is because working slowly and in concentration is actually relaxing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“People are often alone on the path and don’t realize the where or what of it all. One single spark can be enough to ignite the renewal for these people. This is why we have no time to lose. It’s time to stay awake and to come out; and whenever this happens it’s always significant.
Thus, no matter what happens to bring things from this renewal to the surface, things originating from knowledge - because this deep knowledge has to be there and this can only happen when you live with your heart - each and every thing that happens in function of this renewal is important, because it inspires people to join in with the flow.
And the more people who join, the easier it will be for you. So, in a certain way, we also need to be a bit selfish; on the one hand in order to ensure that we indeed want and dare and are able to go forward, and, on the other hand, that we don’t have to do it all on our own.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“It’s possible to have contacts with people who are loving and live on the other side of the world. And you can have contacts with people who are loving and live on your street.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“There will be people who won’t be capable of understanding the renewal, even though it will become as large as life and although you may well ask yourself: ‘How is it possible that they don’t see it?’ And yet they won’t. It may seem strange, but you will meet people who know nothing about it, have no understanding, don’t realize what is going on and who also don’t know in which way they should go forward. And you need do absolutely nothing about this.
Understand this very well: do nothing, don’t interfere, don’t try to open these people’s eyes, because this isn’t possible!
There are certain contrarieties on this Earth whose nature demands that people be respected at all costs, even in their sleepfulness, even in what cannot come to the fore in their lives.
This is why you should take the utmost care with such people, because if you go against such people you are making karma for yourself. This is something you really cannot and may not do.
You should respect yourself, you should respect others, and you should be able to understand that people are allowed to have and experience their freedom here on this Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 10 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“You have a goal in life, but that goal is often not very brilliant - that means you are not sustaining it in its fullness. Look at your life’s goal and try to see it as clearly as possible.
When you reflect on it, you’ll discover you carry a certain aspiration in your heart and that is what is the most important. This is not about aspirations you may have at work or in what you could call ‘artistic endeavours,’ or aspirations for expressive writing, or for togetherness, or for healing, or for whatever else. Search for the goal in your heart, what you are doing with your heart, how you are living and how you want to go forward with your inner self; that is the path!”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“The Earth is often not what you expect it to be and this often causes you to be disillusioned by what you see around you.
But you will never be disappointed in your heart when you are on the path, because your heart will always speak to you of beauty, of joy, of love, of space, of so many different subjects that - when they can well up in your heart - spring from a very beautiful and powerful energy. A vibration will come up in your heart, from which you will feel the joy.
And what you must learn to do is to express this joy with your personality.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“So now you have opened yourself for your fellow persons and can relate to his or her needs. You don’t need to do anything else. Your presence alone vis-à-vis his or her distress and the way in which you look upon your fellow man or woman makes it obvious that things of true importance are present there at that moment.
You need not do anything more, in the sense of getting them out of the rut they are in by actually dragging them out to say: “You simply must change your life.” No, just remain there in your own stillness and in your own peace, and dare to live with that happiness; this is enough.
You shouldn’t try to convert this other person; it’s enough just to let him see how you are when you are in the stream. Then the joy and the peace can flow over to him.
And then the miracle happens; the other discovers what it is to be in this purity, for he will notice it. His initial reaction may be jealousy, but eventually he will understand.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“I suggest that you now meditate for five minutes - not long - only to concentrate on the Light. (...) For five minutes you should try to concentrate on the Light.
Try to feel the Light in your heart. This means you don’t have to go outside of yourself; you should try to stay in your heart and there ask for Light... and see what happens.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 13 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“The Abiding Presence surrounding you can always see to it that you are on the track of what you are seeking. Once you are aware of this - that the Abiding Presence is around you, that an energy is there to guide you and keep you on the right track - then you need never be frightened in your life.
It’s in the nature of fear to bring you out of the Light. When you are fearful, it’s because there are elements in your life that doubt about that Great Light which can surround you and always be present.
If you would like to be in the Light, then you must ask for that and consequently you will be able to come into that Light. There you will have the feeling that your heart has become warmer and lighter.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 14 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“There should be a great amount of love in your heart, but it must not be a passionate love. No, it should be a peaceful, broad love, since you are in touch with the broad stream. You should keep becoming more yourself and thereby you will learn to experience the joy within yourself and realize it is fundamental.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 16 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“The age-old law of desire states that a person gets to where he wants to be. This is how you should try to define your life’s goal.
Any desire you have should be a beautiful one. You should be able to walk around on this Earth filled with wonderful desires.
You may surely have such desires for your own life and for the lives of others, and when you express such a desire, then do it in all purity. Dare, too, to acknowledge the power of your desire. When you are living your own life and have a particular desire, realize that thereby a fullness comes into your life.
Your desire may be a very big, but it should be very pure.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 16 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“When you turn to the good, when, therefore, you choose good things for yourself, you can then also choose what is good for others. This is a small part, or element, of love. Choosing what is good for the other implies you want to go forward and that you also want the other to go forward.
It doesn’t mean setting yourself up as an authority, but rather offering the other the opportunity to go his or her own way, and also pointing out what kind of obstacles might perhaps lie on this path. This reality is sublime, and if you can share it with one another, the angels will support you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“You'll discover that a battle is taking place on this Earth, even an intense battle, a battle over fundamental conceptions. An ever-growing amount of anger will develop on this Earth, trying to extinguish the ideas of light, peace and radiance. It won’t succeed because so many things, from all sides, will rise up wanting to join in with the renewal. Nevertheless, the battle will intensify.
This doesn’t mean you should let yourself be walked on, or suddenly give up. No, believe in the silence and keep going forwards; and know how important this is. In addition, it’s also important to support one another. It’s important for you not to be your own and important to feel a solidarity with others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Love doesn’t long for another world. Love wants to get to know the world as it is, because it knows God is present in this world. When love accepts things as they are and recognizes God therein, then it is complete.
Love is never inclined to do anything else than what it should do. This lies, self-evidently, immediately embedded within the experience of love. Love knows precisely what it can or cannot do. Love always knows the right thing to say and the right thing to do.
A person will repeatedly have an urge to doubt this, because they have the capability to see other things than love. A person can also step outside of love, stumbling into his or her own world.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Everything has a certain significance, surely, but questions can have a great importance because they can bring you to have certain ideas that would otherwise never come up. It’s due to the formulation of the question that the possibility is created to have certain ideas come up in your life.
Certain ideas are literally, as it were, floating around above you, within hand’s reach, but if you don’t ask any questions, you can’t draw them into your head and into your heart. Therefore, certain ideas can be present without you being able to grasp them, just because you haven’t first asked the question.
You should be able to feel the question in yourself and be able to formulate it, because by asking the question you create the possibility to grasp hold of the answer, and to later put it into words.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 6 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Realize that at the very moment you are praying, your prayer is already being heard. Afterwards, it is only a question of time before it is worked out, so that it can come into your life in a perfect way.
Very many people who have prayed in this way know that they may ask anything, and that everything will turn out alright. More and more, they dare to live in this way, and in this way it is well possible that more and more attention is given to the Divine in life, not only in your life, but thereby also in other people’s lives.
You should realize that the Divine is always present on Earth and that, without God, the Earth could not exist. When you discover this in your life, you open the way for a completely different kind of life, a life that is exciting, varied, new and original, all the way to the very depths of being.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“If, for instance, you are alone in the kitchen and no one is there to see you, but you, yourself, know you are working in the right way, then you feel a connection to a hundred and one things, with thousands of situations and with the lives of others. At that time you know: ‘I am not alone.’ Then it might be you have very broad contacts within your inner self: the Divine speaking, the Master speaking, the Angel speaking, your own being speaking. Then everything is a prayer, everything is wonderful to experience and you know in what way you can go forward. The perspective offered to you is endless.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“The Earth always has a certain connection with time, and this always brings new possibilities. There is always a certain point when something is achieved, after which a person can move onward. But each time again you must learn to let go in order to go forward. The same point will never be there twice.
Therefore it’s important to have insight into time. This can help you to let go, something you can’t do if you are living absent-mindedly, for then you can only have a vague idea that you are alive, but you don’t know where you are living or what you are doing. You also don’t have any idea of time. Perhaps you want to concentrate but find it difficult, precisely because you are in a state of absent-mindedness. Consequently, it is also extremely difficult to keep up with the times. Your way of living is perhaps too old-fashioned, you live with bygone feelings and old ideas, with which you are constantly busy and confronted.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“You will notice yourself getting stronger. Each time you become more yourself, you meet with situations where this strength gets tested. The result of this might be that you will fall back into that old pattern, but never again for long. Because you have had a taste of your own freedom, of your possibilities and self-confidence, you will gradually win it all back, so that you finally begin to truly live. Then you are doing well.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“In addition, it may also happen that you suddenly feel distant from people you associate with every day. Even this can be wonderful because you are suddenly conscious of this distance. It was always there but before you were simply not aware of it. All these things keep becoming clearer.
It begins to dawn upon you that you have an own family, perhaps spread wide and far around the world and living in different countries, but with whom you can still have contact. This is a soul contact whereby you feel a kinship and know: ‘This is something for me.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“A person assumes a great responsibility when he or she decides to take progressive steps in life.
When you do this you will, for a part, be on your own. This may seem like an enforced loneliness but it really isn’t, because by being alone and traveling along your path, you will be meeting people in a new way. Once you have emerged from this superficial loneliness, or better said, this superficial aloneness, then you will meet people on another level.
But before this, there is nothing else you can do other than treading this path of aloneness. (…) It’s a crossing that must be made.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 10 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Dare to see life as it is, without exaggerating. Don’t think it should be any different than it is. Simply accept life as it is and dare to live a fresh, young, open and sunny life. If you can do this, you will have taken a huge step in your existence.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 10 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“From the moment a person decides to work on the renewal until the moment of self-realization, a stream of love flows through him when he believes in himself.
When the force comes within you, you begin working with it, not only on yourself but also on the world. The power is always present when people have the will to realize themselves.
Each time you come up for yourself, when you try to be yourself and live from out of yourself, when you give attention to those things that are important in your life, you are being constructive; and not only constructive for yourself but also for society.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 14 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“But if you are doing something boring, worn out, something that doesn’t mean anything to you - and this can happen when you do something just because someone else wants you to do it - then you are, in fact, not busy in the right way. Then you aren’t discovering your own life, you are mimicking. You are taking over an idea that another has about you and you may want to fulfill these expectations as well as you can. As a reaction to their request, you then have the desire to be that obedient child, or you may want to be that naughty child. But in this manner you are not really living.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“However old you are you can always go forwards. It’s never finished. Don’t think: ‘My body is getting weaker or it’s falling apart or it’s worn out, I’m finished with this Earth.’ You should never think like this. Dare to really open yourself up and develop until the last second of your life here on this Earth and know that life goes on. There is no end to life and even the transition from this life to the other life can be very exhilarating and interesting and a magnificent moment of love, of peace and power.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“In whatever situation you are in, no matter how dark, you can call on the light and the light will come to you. If you try to do this in your nightmares, in your confusion, you will come to see that there is, indeed, light in your life and that change is possible.
In any situation, on this Earth or in other worlds, you can always call on that light. When you realize this, a lasting joy can come to you, and always more and more.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 4 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“The beautiful and the ugly, the good and less good, the right and less right, both have their turns. Because both opposites exist, a person can learn to know himself or herself in the deepness. You shouldn’t be subject to the opposites but you should learn to recognize them.
Try to stay yourself despite the fact things are going badly or despite the fact all is going well. This means being able to find a certain peace with and in all situations. You should be able to always stay on the same path, always learning to know yourself through all the changes, in all kinds of situations and with all the contrasts.
You should dare to look at yourself, one time finding yourself in this situation and another time in another situation. Know that there will always be changes.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you realize things can change you can stay calm because you know you are being cared for. Despite the fact it can sometimes be difficult or that you are ill, or without work, or are unsure of what the future will bring, or are confronted with very difficult situations, or are unsure of yourself, or that others are putting too great a pressure on you, despite all these things, try to realize that you are being taken care of.
There is nobody on this Earth who is alone and has no one because then life would not be possible. Also, there will never be a single time in your life when you would not be able to find support, it’s always possible to meet people, to get help, to in some way learn a kind of lesson and to know: ‘I am actually being supported through the difficulties.’ Therefore, you never need feel despondent.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Don’t ever get annoyed with people. Realize that people have their freedom and need their time, just like everybody on this Earth needs time.
It’s important to place yourself within time. Today you are not who you were ten years ago and also not who you will be ten years from now. You’ll see yourself changing, you’ll have other ideas, other feelings, you will be able to take account of more things and realize you can always go further and evolve.
When you look back to your life in the past you will notice how you’ve changed and what you were busy with then. When you try to see into the future - this is something you should only do now and again because you can’t see it completely but you can intuitively know for yourself approximately what you would like to do with your life - if you do this then you can have the idea: ‘Actually, whatever happens today is relative.’
This means: you may be going through difficulties, for instance, or struggling to bring beauty to expression. You know it isn’t finished, that it’s not perfect, that there are things that still need to evolve, that still have to change. ’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“You have to make clearer choices so as to know on what you wish to spend your time and why you are busy with something. These are simple matters but once you are busy with them they are highly consequential.
If you are consciously centered within yourself and consciously make choices, you will live more consciously and that is the intention of life: to keep becoming more and more conscious.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“If there is something the other would like to know or to do, then support him or her in what he or she would like to achieve in life. Deal lovingly with others but don’t be the one to lay down the law, by saying: “This is good for you.” No, let the other choose what is good for him or for her. If you realize this, if you can accept this, then you can really be of help to the other.
For you should be able to help the other in his search for the good in life. But you will have to keep in mind that the other may have a different idea of what is good, and you should learn to see this through his or her eyes, and understand that this could really be meaningful for this person.
Not everything you experience can become someone else’s norm. On the contrary, live your own life and let others live their own lives. Then you can have a real interchange and learn much from one another because then it’s as if your experiences are multiplied.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“There are always some highly significant moments in life and every time you overcome a difficulty in life is one of these important moments, because it is something permanent. It’s something that makes you stronger and shapes you in such a way that you then carry within you a clearer and greater light than if you would simply have glided smoothly through life without incidents.
The greatest people have accepted the greatest difficulties and have lived through them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Put certain things in order in your own life. If you dare to make progress in your life you will always be helped; it’s absolutely necessary for you to be aware of this.
I’m telling you this now but by tomorrow you will have perhaps forgotten it. Try, though, to remember that there will be help to take you further in life when you wish to do so. You should be aware of this because thereby you can become stronger and more balanced.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Don’t always think you should be doing something for someone else. Before thinking of doing something for the other you can let the other be him- or herself for a while. Even when working from within an organization providing help or social support, you should be able to take it easy, allowing the other to be him- or herself and to express him- or herself, so that you can reflect on the situation.
It’s not always possible to be able to react in the right way exactly at the moment you hear something and, if you feel you can’t do this, then don’t do it. Give it some time, think it over and then the next time you will perhaps be able to say something meaningful.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“The greatest respect you can show for your fellow man or woman is to listen to his objections, to his complaints, to everything that comes from him, but without doing anything about it. Because the other should be able to be himself in all circumstances.
However difficult it may be, you should have faith in the presence of a kind of protection that can come, causing something to happen that will distract the other and bring him back to himself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When an artist is flourishing doing his work - or a writer, a designer, a cook or someone who is simply busy shining shoes - when this person is happy doing his or her work, then you can actually see the sun at work there. You can see an enormous energy in that work, an energy that is truly inalienable. This is the way we should dare to live on this Earth.
There is no such thing as an inferior type of work. Everything offers you the possibility of self-development. The way in which you wash yourself, the way you go for a walk, the way in which you help someone, the way you speak with someone, all these things can be just as important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 11 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you can work calmly because you’re able to attain a peace through the repetition of your work, because you are busy working in the right way, then you will have the possibility to pierce through to your intuition and to know you are being guided. The great force is present in your life. You can’t feel this force and experience this guidance outside of you.
It’s in your actions that you will be directed and know: ‘Now I have to do this,’ and you’ll see what it brings; and what still happens after that, you’ll see later.
When you work in the right way, you can experience the sense of wonder within you and you can know: ‘How incredible that I should have this idea and that it’s correct and that I see how I can simplify my life!’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 11 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Simplicity is a very great strength in life. It’s a combining together of forces and it’s mainly love that will make this possible.
When you work with love, when you act with love, when you deal lovingly with things, with people, with animals, plants and so short, when you act with love you attain a greater simplicity.
There is no greater force than simplicity. It’s a collection, a gathering together of your feelings, your thoughts, your intuition, your heart and so on. The forces are gathered there in order to really take you further and, ultimately, you will never be frightened of anything because you will know: ‘I am doing what is right and therefore I’m protected.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“For instance, when you are preparing a meal, pay attention to the way you handle the vegetables there in front of you. Cooking should be a kind of prayer, a contact originating from within and going outward. Try to be in a prayerful mood, to be open, able to see the beauty and the offering; because the plant is offering itself and thereby becomes capable of entering into a greater world. This is the purpose of the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom offers itself to humanity in order to enter into the energy of another world.
It is so beautiful to be able to see plants at the moment they are being offered. A song rises upwards, like a mantra; and when you can discover this, a connection is made and you are nourished in another manner. At that moment you realize that food contains much more than what you can see with your eyes. Food carries an energy within itself that can build you up in another way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 14 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you love yourself you can also love people, you can love things, you can love the Earth.
Try to become aware of the exchange: yourself - the other; the other - yourself, and to know that it is the same, that you love the other as much as you love yourself.
At first you can see this as an exercise, a game, but ultimately it is something very serious, very deep and self-evident. When you can manage to do this you will be in wonderment and will also be within the wonder, because your life will then be opened, opened for the reality as God meant it to be.
You will then get an entirely different life. You will see that energies flow, that they are not blocked. You will see yourself gaining in health and your life opening itself for so much morel You will see yourself blossoming like a flower and are like a flower that knows its soul.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner force, book 7: Becoming open for reality - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“See to it that there is joy in your work. If the work you are doing brings you relaxation - which might seem paradoxal - then you can be joyful.
So, you should not overwork and you should also not be busy with ten things at the same time. Concentrate on a certain work - it can be a small thing - and try to put joy into it. When you do this you will be better off than reluctantly doing the same thing ten times over.
Therefore, try to do one thing, to do it calmly and experience joy in that work. Then you will make progress in life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner force, book 7: Becoming open for reality - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“You should find certain ways to relax and this is very important. If you are too active, busy with too many things and too confronted with the things of this Earth then you will soon slide into a distracted carelessness which is detrimental for your health, for your zeal, for your opinions... let’s just say for your life.
So, at certain moments take a radical stand and say: “Look, now I want to relax.” And then you have to take that rest and even give it priority, knowing how important it is.
Because when you come into that simplicity of your life, into that relaxation, you will see more and also retain more. This means giving things a place in your life and knowing: ‘I am busy with this and it is taking me to what is right in my life. And I can be satisfied with that.’ And being satisfied with life is a very big point in life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner force, book 7: Becoming open for reality - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“It can sometimes be very important for you to be able to control your thoughts in order to banish certain thoughts from your life, so that you know: ‘These are not my thoughts. They have been thought by who knows what brain but it might just as well have been an evil brain.’ Thus, they could be evil thoughts or they could be banal thoughts. They could be annoying or boring thoughts that have little or no meaning. And regarding all these things it can be important to set them aside and so control and manage your thoughts and have different thoughts. Thoughts that deal with your life, with the depth of your life - not with superficialities, not with banalities, but with essential things in your existence - these thoughts are very important because they can give your life an orientation.
So be careful with your thoughts, don’t just think about anything. And give what you think a place in your life: ‘If I think this then in a certain way I should work on it until I can really see it.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner force, book 7: Becoming open for reality - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“Life has a rhythm, it ebbs and flows. There is also a rhythm in the great structures of life. At certain moments in life you can have the impression: ‘I can’t move forward.’ Well, that is then not the time to go forward. It is the time to stand still and reflect and to perhaps withdraw and leave life to itself and to discover the wonder of life.
Sometimes you will have the impression: ‘Now I have to be active. Things are going well and now I can move forward. Now I can begin to do things. Now I can give my life meaning.’ Then do that. The way you are then busy will be totally different than during that ebb. When you are in the surging flow of life, when you are working with exuberance, when you are moving forward, then you can enjoy this time just as much as you can enjoy the time of the ebb.
Both are necessary in life. And realize that this ebb and flow is not tied to a rhythm like the tides of the sea. In your life there can just as well be longer periods when you are going in either the one or other direction.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner force, book 7: Becoming open for reality - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“When you go within and clouds of thoughts go rushing by, then you can be sure you are overworking. You see so much passing you by that you can’t grasp and that, in other words, you also can’t take into account. When you go within, when you look to see how you are busy, you can already observe - by the rhythm of your thoughts, for instance - that it’s not suited to your life. Then you know you are taking on too much and doing too little with it.
You should dare to look at your life and see in what way you are busy. As you start to realize there are things within you that are not in order, that there are things you should try to understand as they really are, then you’ll notice how many of these things you don’t understand. When you look at your dreams or at the clouds of thoughts within yourself or at your feelings, you will always have the impression you don’t have enough knowledge about your own life.
A feeling of disillusionment might also accompany this but actually you are doing well. You are working in the right way because you are asking the right questions.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“God see things as good, God sees them evolving, growing, developing. God sees the purpose of all things and sees that it is all already here now.
Everything that will ever happen is now present within your own self as tiny seeds, seeds that need to be uncovered but which are already there, and you must allow them to grow.
It is for you to decide what will grow. You can look within your innermost Self and, from there, from that vast, supreme reality you find therein, bring certain features to the fore.
You may, for example, take notice of the love within yourself and allow that love to grow, asking God to give you more love. In this way you determine the quality of love in your own existence and make work of it. It is like giving that tiny seedling of love more and more of your attention, like giving it water so that it can blossom and flourish. Then, with that love, you create something unique in your existence. You will notice - now you have given the seedling of love a chance to grow - that it keeps growing more than in the lives of others.
When you work in this way you cultivate a kind of enormous power within yourself. Then something magnificently great takes place within you, you begin working with ever more love and will also look upon yourself and others with greater love; and you will have drawn this out from the Divine, with the help of God and the help of the Divinity within yourself.
This is work you can do, also on this earth, but it isn't work that the world can appreciate or see. It is a work that takes place in the silence, in the stillness of your own heart, but it is a miracle and a wonderful reality.
Once you begin working with it you will always want to work with it more because you will appreciate the results it brings. It changes your life, your expression changes, your heart beats in a different way, your blood flows faster and everything that is in you changes - this is transformation.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) - chapter 9: 'The silence' ©
“Imagine, for instance, that you need to put something in order in your house and you take time out to do this - then you can observe yourself by looking at the way in which you try to put it in order.
You could do this by getting upset about everything, by starting to do something and then immediately dropping it and going on to something else, by running away from what you are doing and so forth. There are many different ways of doing something and yet you should be able to be yourself in this work. If you are running away from it you should be able to realize: ‘hey, I’ve been avoiding it.’ If you let go of what you are doing to start on something else, then know: ‘hey, I’ve been busy with this now for quite a while and haven’t even gone back to look at that other thing anymore.’ In this way you should realize what you are doing.
In this manner you become clearly conscious of your actions and you know what it means to go along with time. You don’t need to look so very far ahead, it’s about the project you are now working on; it’s about what you think you could do within a certain amount of time.
By making good use of your time a joy comes to you – when you know: ‘look, this is my plan, I’m going to do this and stick with it and I’m going to concentrate on it and work on it to the best of my ability.’
If you find that you are not succeeding then don’t be mad at yourself, but say: ‘Next time I’ll try to be more accurate or do it better,’ or be more relaxed about it or happier or whatever else. Realize that you should involve you thoughts, you should invest your thoughts in whatever you are doing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) - chapter 11: 'The earth is one of the links within a whole chain of evolutions' ©
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