Insightful wisdom by Master Morya
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“Reflecting on your life may give rise to some slight confusion because of your desire to do something with the first thought that comes to your mind. This is precisely what you shouldn’t do. Try to keep your thoughts tranquil.
Look at the people around you, listen to those who are near to you but do your own things and try to deal with everything in a calm way. Because it might be that you are in a hurry to achieve something, in a hurry to see and experience things, also within you, and that you therefore exert yourself unnecessarily.
Try to remain calm, especially in your thoughts.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Just simply try to do something, something about which you think: ‘Look, this is a good thing to do.’ A small task, something, a certain responsibility you take on, something you willingly do for others and that you would like to develop into something good for yourself.
This will cause a stream of love to flow through the little everyday things, which will give you the feeling: ‘Yes, when I’m busy with this I feel calm and then something comes to me.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“And this is the difficulty: ‘Is my heart pure? Am I mature enough to understand things as they are or do I want to change the other, do I want to change myself, do I want to achieve something quickly and do I want this, and do I want to learn to search for myself and to get to know myself?’
When you are calm life is different than it is when you are stressed. This may seem like a banality, but when you live in the peacefulness of your own life, live in the deepness of your life, then automatically you will have contacts with things of vital importance. The joy in life is essentially important. It has a very great value, because you were born out of joy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“You may feel anxious about making mistakes, thinking: ‘Just as long as this or that doesn’t happen,’ and, hesitatingly, you may go forward with the idea: ‘It’s not all that simple.’ If you do this you will again lose your concentration because what you would then be doing is bringing in things that are not present in your life at that moment and creating a problem before one even arises.
If a problem arises then try to deal with it differently. Try to put the bigger problem out of the picture and concentrate on the little problem that could possibly be part of the bigger problem. But do this with all your attention, with what is really within you, and try to do it in a way that allows you to take a small step forward, so that you know: ‘This is mine, this is something beautiful, this is something good, I did my very best with it and now I can see a bit of the outcome.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“It may be that in your ideal, no matter how big it is, there is no place for the other and that you haven’t even noticed this. You may be so busy being ‘good’ that in the midst of all that goodness there is actually no room for the other, that, in other words, you can and want to be so good that you haven’t noticed that your goodness is so restrictive that the other isn’t able to find any room there.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“In the originality of your life there is something that appeals to you, that gives you the impulse to do things, that shows you what you should do.
At first, when you begin with something new, it may be that you set out in a certain direction and then, after a while, quit to go in another direction. This doesn’t matter, it’s not a reason to think: ‘I’m a failure.’ No, you can always change small things in your life and you should dare to do this.
In other words, it’s always possible to start on something and then, realizing it’s not at all what you want, decide to change course.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“If you begin with something but find it then develops itself into another direction, then this isn’t a problem. You don’t have to always be determining everything and thinking: ‘yes, but, I had promised myself to do this first, so, in all fairness, I’m going to stick with it.’
No, you should be able to let go of things, even to let go of thoughts. Yes, every now and then you should learn: to let go of your thoughts, even thoughts you may have expressed. You should let them go to simply be in time, to simply be in life, in what life has to offer you, especially to simply be in what God’s life means for you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“No matter how much you try, the temptation is always there to look at things in a pessimistic way, almost in advance, thinking: ‘yes, but, this is a lot more difficult than I thought,’ and here is this obstacle, this impossibility where you had thought there might have been a possibility. The temptation is great to stop right there with something for which you had done your best and to say: ‘It’s too difficult.’
When you feel like this you should always still continue and go a little further with what you think is too difficult. Don’t directly give up and don’t be pessimistic, thinking: ‘yes, but, this and that and that....’ No, try to always look more or less positively at what you could still do.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“The way in which you view a certain problem is extremely important. Try not to see your problems in your life and in the lives of others as bigger than they are. Try to even see them as smaller, especially because there is a lot you can do with problems.
You can approach a problem in many different ways and you should learn to do this. Don’t see your problem as one big problem but see them rather as just a bunch of smaller problems. The result will be that you won’t have to tackle that very big problem. Instead, you simply deal with a number of smaller problems, one after the other if necessary.
The way of dealing with problems is very important because, to a large extent, it determines whether or not you will be able to do something about it. Also look at your relation to the problem, not so much as how others relate to the problem, and be honest with yourself, be reasonable. If there are things you are able to take under consideration, that you can know for yourself: ‘I find this more important than that’ then choose the most important thing first, and that doesn’t have to be something big. No, something important but something that is also possibly feasible, and in this way you will also get a different view of the problem.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“People are sometimes - coincidentally, not coincidentally - brought together and the one is then a lesson for the other and the other for the one. But often you can’t recognize this or can’t know it and often you also can’t recall it.
On the other hand, at a certain moment, when something must happen, it really does happen. There are some things, therefore, that have to happen. There are sorts of crossroads at which people necessarily meet one another. These are crucial moments in life, moments of real, true and deep contact. Neither person is aware of it and yet it happens, and afterwards it proves to be something essential for one or the other, or for both of them. You can’t judge this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“When you speak about things you don’t really understand, things that happen too quickly for you or about which you only have a slight notion, then you might become confused by what you, yourself, are saying. That’s why staying silent is sometimes better than speaking.
Don’t be upset if you don’t manage to say what should be said. Just wait, say nothing, and then you can always return to your story at the moment when you have found some peace.
It’s important to stay calm in the presence of others and not let yourself be swept away by what they say. Actually, you should try to be yourself, no matter how difficult that may be.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“You can feel good with people; you can also feel less good with people. Try to detect this for yourself but don’t do anything about it.
It’s not because you don’t feel good with some people that you should run away from them. But do try to make it clear for yourself. And gradually you can then try to come into your own energy, you can try to find what is important in your own personal life and what you experience as being important. This is something you shouldn’t relinquish.
Somehow you should be able to hold on to the deep stream of love that in your heart, this deep stream of joy, of peace that is in your heart, to hold it with you even if you are in what I would almost call, ‘enemy territory’ - for example when you are with people who don’t at all like you or with whom you are quarreling, or where there are tensions that you think you are unable to face but that are, nevertheless, there, large as life. Then don’t run away but try to stand in your own energy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“You may have your own thoughts. You can have an own idea about your life, about what you can do with your life.
You might think this sounds absurd because perhaps you imagine your thoughts are always original, but very many thoughts come from others. That’s simply the way it is, there is an exchange of thoughts and there is a kind of subtlety that mixes with the thoughts of others so that after a while you begin to think that these thoughts are yours. And yet you should dare to think about your life in your own originality.
Don’t immediately ask someone else: “What should I do?” First think about your own life: ‘What do I actually want to do with my life?’ Then the thoughts will concentrate around yourself and you will be able to direct them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“There may be a glint of a desire in your soul to do this and that - these are subtle moments of intuition, an insight that comes to you like a flash of lightning: ‘I should do this and no one can keep me from it.’
But as you begin, you slide back into your thoughts, into your feelings and into the reality of this Earth. It might even be that before you can begin there is already nothing left of your original idea, of your intuition. This is because there is no joy involved, because you failed to see this as a part of yourself that you found.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Try to find peace in your life. When things are going well, be happy. When there are things that go wrong, then realize: things will change. Sometimes you have to learn things that you initially can’t see. You want this or that so much, you would like to go in a certain direction and yet it’s being made obviously clear that you can’t go in that direction; then don’t be unhappy because what you had in mind is not possible. No, accept that at a certain moment your path could take another turn.
Don’t immediately jump to the conclusion: ‘I’m wrong.’ Also don’t see it as a reason to stick to your conviction no matter what comes in your way, to hold on to your ideal in order to do something with it, for the world, for the children, for whomever. This isn’t good. Try to be open for what you are being shown.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Life will always hold surprises; today you can look at things in one way and tomorrow you may see it a little differently. Don’t let this scare you but do stay true to yourself.
It’s not a matter of trying to please everyone, so that you think: ‘yes, but what will the others think if I suddenly change my mind?’
If you have another idea that comes from yourself then you will understand why and you’ll be able to explain it. Not that you are obliged to do so but when it comes to it, you will know for yourself: ‘It’s in such and such a way that this idea came into being.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“When you delve deep within yourself and when you live with this deepness, when you look at your life in a practical manner, you can make adjustments and take a close look at a number of possibilities and see how others deal with this, how you are learning to deal with it.
You can learn a lot from one another, which is why sometimes you should simply bring a proposal forward as a question, which everyone can then think about or reflect upon and to which you can repeatedly return in the course of the following months, so that a real insight will come to light and can give you the feeling: ‘Okay, it’s good, we really want this and we’re making progress.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 1: Choosing to be yourself - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 1: Kiezen om jezelf te zijn”) ©
“Do not ever be naïf in the sense that you just simply open yourself; make sure you can find yourself therein. This means that you are able to integrate some things and perhaps certain other things not.
It is a slow process, one in which you should stay true to yourself, and that is then truly learning.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“The simplicity of life also implies that you learn to know yourself in a sensible way, that you say to yourself: “If I do this it will have that effect.” By looking at cause and effect you can learn more about yourself.
So be sensible when taking certain steps in your life and realize that you will also have to take following steps. If you go in a certain direction you can either go back or continue further on, but once you have chosen a particular thing as your goal, as an objective in the development of that goal, there will always be consequences. Therefore, dare to determine the quality of what you are doing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Do not think that you must always be good for the other; you shouldn’t think like this. Try to be good, but this is not a goal in itself. Because you may think that something is good for the other and yet they might experience it in a totally different way.
Dare to be centered in your own life, doing your own things, and also be prepared to be confronted with other people's reactions, but in a sober way.
Hence, when you are confronted with the reactions of others, look to see what your interest therein are and what the others' interests are; then make an evaluation because there is a real relationship here. If you try to do something good for the other and they do not experience it as being good, it could harm the relationship. Take care, therefore, to express what you would like to express in such a way that you still allow the other their freedom, allowing him or her to approve or disapprove, to accept it or reject it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Love understands the contradictions. Love is capable of reconciling the contradictions and uniting them. Whatever contradictions there may be, love will bring things that are, at that moment, the right things.
The difficulty is that, initially, a person will tend to force the issue. He or she wants to do it according to their own insight and sometimes they will do it even if it goes against others. This is why evil is often very quick and love is slow, but love is what wins and sets things right. And once that love has set things right they will also stay settled in this way. Because love is transcendent, it transcends time. (…)
Love always respects the freedom of one’s fellow being. It knows to wait; it knows what it is to be patient within the renewal.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Don't think that you will lose everything you give away. No, on the contrary, you will see that by sharing your inner wealth with others you will gain even more riches. Because through the exchange you have with others, based on your own trust, based on what lives within you and what you express, you can enrich one another and, first of all, you, yourself, become richer.
It is the game of love that must be played and love does not look at itself, it looks at the other: ‘How can I serve the other? How can I bring the other to the light?’ But not in a compulsive way, on the contrary, in a liberalizing way.
By daring to be yourself in the presence of the other, you free the other and make the other ready to also be able to receive the light.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Notwithstanding the fact that you are present in the lives of others, you may sometimes feel you are alone, but this is never bad.
Look to your own life and when you think: ‘I'm on my own and can’t do anything,’ know: it's okay, because after this nothingness will come everything. You will see that you are able to find a trust within yourself.
Despite the fact your mind will be saying: “You can't,” your heart will speak and say: “Yes, you can do it.” It is good to have a discussion like this within yourself and to listen to your heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“You will find that you are being guided in moments when you think: ‘I can’t cope with this.’ You will find that you are somehow being given energy and you will find yourself fighting your way through the difficulties.
And you don’t need to hurry, I say this again, because if you hurry you will make mistakes. Even when you are facing difficulties it is still possible to stay calm and know: ‘I will get through this and I can cope.’
You will be tested, that is for sure; this is the same for everyone, because thereby the right energy is attracted. Each trial is a purification of energies and thereby you are attracting the right energies and are able to really make progress. Because often advancement is hindered by the fact that things are too easy in life; you are asleep, so to speak, or too busy with superficialities.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“Do not be overly good for your fellow persons; try to find the right measure. Naturally you can help people as much as you can but you should not be too good, there are limits. This is because the other also needs to learn to express him- or herself.
Agreed, when someone is not able to help himself then it is assumed you should give what help you can, or you can search for help or help search for help, and that will give you a good feeling. And, moreover, you will have done what is right to do in life.
However, sometimes you could be betrayed and you should be alert for this. You should therefore be aware what it means to help people, but you should also be able to distance yourself from some people. When you cannot do anything to help then don’t imagine that it is your fault. Take distance.
Dare to distance yourself from some people and to say: “Sorry, I can’t help you, not today. Maybe tomorrow but not today; I will do my best but I don’t know if I can really do something for you.” You are allowed to say this; you can always say this if you find it is impossible for you to help.
So, be reasonable. Be a reasonable person who reacts rationally in certain situations.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“When you know what it is you want in life then you radiate this and that is then healing for others, because they will know: ‘this is simply how this man or woman is and we know what we have to take into consideration.’ Thereby you can more easily feel adapted to the other and this other to you.
This is the way to achieve harmony, by expressing yourself so that the other person knows: ‘he is like this and this and this.’ It may be that the other even finds this nice because when you live in close contact with your soul, with your own originality, you are, indeed, coming out with an ingenuity, because the soul knows and understands.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“When you are loving towards others then you will know what you can or cannot do at a certain moment, and this knowing what you cannot do is also something you need to learn.
It is very important that you not speak certain words to people, be careful of this and don’t be hurtful. For example, there may be certain things that you cannot talk about to your partner or child. In that case it is necessary to keep this in mind and then you should be, as it were, so strong within yourself that you know: ‘Okay, I won’t speak about this. Not that I don’t want to, but it isn’t appropriate to speak about this because the other won’t be helped by it; he also cannot do anything about it and, on the contrary, it will most probably confuse him.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“There will always be things that come your way unexpectedly, that is inevitable. The world is simply a rotating sphere, which signifies that everything always keeps changing - one change following another and another - and this will always be the way of things. This also means there is a good chance that you can adapt yourself and learn to adapt yourself.
So dare to be flexible in life, dare to change and dare to take a new look at things in your life. When you have been busy with certain things for a long time, know that you don’t always need to keep doing them. There are certain moments in life that you can see as a caesura, a cut-off point, as a time to take a break, as ‘now I’m going to stop.’
It is very important to be able to do this from time to time, to be able to let go of certain things and say: “Look, this is finished; it’s done.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“When the other poses a danger to you then be aware that it is permitted to fight back with the same weapons; this is fair, it is correct.
You should not let yourself be taken advantage of, but your reaction has to be proportional to what the other person is, to what he is using and will be using. So there is still always this kind of loving attention towards the other: ‘What is this other doing and how should I react?’ You adapt yourself to the other.
When the other is fighting you are allowed to fight back but you should be aware of why you are doing a particular thing. If you are the strongest - as when dealing with a child, for instance - then you must not begin fighting with all your might but should adapt yourself to the child.
Therefore, you should always be aware of what you can and may do. Understand the situation you are in and learn from it. However, when you act with love you can do anything and it will be right. So learn to come up for yourself with the appropriate resources, in the right manner, and know that you should always take account of the other.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“At those times when you are feeling weak then you should not try to be heroic, then you should take care of yourself or let yourself be cared for, and know that this is normal and that you also have this right.
Know what your position is in relation to the reality in which you live and make sure you can assess it; this is also your wisdom. Being wise, you will be able to recognize your shortcomings and know what you can learn from them.
There will always be states of imbalance on this Earth, in part due to the life here on Earth. Because the whole of the Earth is in a state of development and your life is also involved in this process. So, don’t shoulder all the responsibility for things that are not in balance.
Your fellow person’s imbalance is also due in part to the lack of balance in the world, and so this is also understandable.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 2: Key to the New Era - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 2: Sleutel tot de Nieuwe Tijd”) ©
“It may be that sometimes, by taking these actions, you will encounter problems. If you have a persistent problem, a practical problem that you cannot manage to solve, then let it go. Set it aside and do something else. It is better not to spend too much time on something like this.
If you have thoroughly looked at the problem and cannot find a solution at that moment then set it aside, because in this way you allow your intuition to work. It may be that fifteen minutes later you have the idea: ‘Ah, this is the way I should do it’ and then you can tackle it again and you will probably succeed. Or you will succeed the next day, or else you might not find a solution to your problem and, in that case, you will realize that you need to ask someone else to solve it for you, because that is the way people are connected to one another.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Each of us has problems in life and we should be able to speak with one another about certain difficulties. But be well aware with whom you share your problems because before you know it you will have told your problem to someone who knows even less about it than you and then you will be in even deeper trouble, for you will be following the advice of someone who doesn’t have a clue. Therefore, here too, you need a bit of common sense in order to deal with the practical side of life - especially when it becomes problematic, to see how you can go on with your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“From time to time it is good to step back from your work, to now and then make a few corrections in order to once again be able to feel a joy in it.
If you have to do an annoying work that you find boring, something you have never liked to do and probably won’t ever like to do, try to maybe find someone to help you with that work or perhaps to do it in your place, so as to free yourself of it and not have to repeatedly do it over and over again.
People should be able to fill in for one another, and this should be possible. In your life too it should be possible to delegate certain tasks, to say: “I can’t do this but maybe I can ask someone else to do it instead,” and then you can pay this person to do it. In this way a burden will have fallen from your shoulders and an opening will be there for you to do something else that will enable you to find a greater joy in your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“It is important to have a goal in life and to bring it to expression, whether that be together with others or not, it makes no difference, but it should somehow be actualized. It cannot just stay drifting in the air, it should not be fantasy.
If you have a fantasy then write it down so that you can look at it and see whether it is truly important. If it is something which belongs to a very abstract field then draw it out or give it a form in colour or music or whatever it may be, so that it is there in front of you. It is a matter of concretizing, of being busy, of being able to do things and discovering things within you and then bringing them out.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“It is by accomplishing something on this Earth that people evolve. It is really a blossoming of your own self.
You should not look at the result because that can often be a disappointment here on Earth. When you give form to something that is within you then what you see before you will very likely be totally different from what you had in mind - but don’t be disappointed.
It is the inner evolution you should see, the inner steps you have taken and the progress you have made and are making within you. If you focus on this, if you look at the inner reality and how you are evolving within that work, if you look at how courageous you are in solving certain issues, how much you had to do to achieve a small thing and yet realize that you have made progress, then you can surely be happy with these steps you have taken. Then you are richer because you have learned so much more than you had imagined you could learn.
Each time you are practical in life, every time you take an action you may meet with difficulties, with challenges, and through these you learn to know yourself and master yourself, and that is also the intention.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“There will always be things in life that you would like to control but can’t control, and this is nothing to be sad about or to complain about. Just take account of the fact that this is the way it is on this Earth.
There will always be things that cannot be fixed and for which you will never be able to find a solution; but that does not matter. With such matters it’s a question of being patient with yourself, of not letting these things get to you, of accepting them and knowing: ‘certain things are impossible to control.’
Yet you should still be able to have hope. You should still be able to go forward in life and dare to look at these things that you cannot manage to control and which are disagreeable. Do not ignore them but dare to look at them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“If there are things in your life that you cannot accept then this is a point of controversy. It means that there is something you should learn from these things.
When you can accept something it means you have learned from it, that it is now over, behind you. Not that anything has changed, not that the experience has changed, but now you can live with it and in a certain way you don’t fall apart; you say: “I know it’s there.” You could call it a minor flaw, it happened; it happened and came into in your life. And, in that sense, its meaning is that it is teaching you to have patience and is actually showing you that there are other ways of living with it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“When you care for your fellow men and women, for children, for others, then know that you will be blessed. It is important for you to be aware of this because thereby you will realize that there is a lot you can do for others.
Realize that every time you receive a blessing - because you are busy with people - there is an increase of light in your heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Dare to open yourself to God in your work. When you dare to work for God then you will also meet God in your life, and this is very important.
For example, you can pray to God or offer your work to God or to the Divine Mother, or you can do your work for God in such a way that you know: ‘He sees me, He loves me, because I am doing it for Him, for Her.’
Do not do it to achieve a certain result, in return for some favour from God. It is not a business deal, it’s not a transaction, it is: ‘I’m doing it out of love, because God is love and because I want to learn to know that love.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Imagine going to a particular job and having something you must do there, having a certain task to do there. You are not this task. You can do something there but you are more than what you do at this job.
In this same way you should see yourself as being on this Earth with a particular task to do, but knowing that you are more than what is happening on this Earth; you are more that the work you are doing here on Earth.
Once you see that you hold infinity within you, you will also not think you are limited by this Earth. On the contrary, you will see that the work you are able to do here can, of itself, be very meaningful, very beautiful and really liberating.
If you can experience this you will keep becoming happier and keep feeling more and more removed from what is restrictive, from what is limiting. You will see that the limitations of your work are not a hindrance to your freedom and your own inner sense of freedom.
Do things in this manner: ‘I’m working in a relaxed way and with a certain joy because I dare to experience my freedom in what I am doing.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“There are always times in life when one is a bit at a loss, when a person looks at him- or herself and thinks: ‘I can’t do this; I don’t want to do it like this or is it different?’ and because of all these questions they become even more confused.
When you have questions, ask them from your heart. Try to find love in life; try to find righteousness in life; try to identify the great values of life: patience, beauty,... and when you do this then you will be able to ask the right questions. Then you will try to be honest with yourself.
If you are not able to do something today then do not think: ‘I can do it.’ No, realize that you should not rule out the fact that you might be able to do it tomorrow, but be honest with yourself, you have to know where you stand. If today there is something you do not see, then know: ‘maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to see it.’ This is the way in which you can make progress, without running ahead of yourself by doing things you are not yet able to do.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“If you are good then there will be good consequences; this is something you should know and you will see it. But do not set a time limit for this because that is impossible. Otherwise you’ll be disappointed and will have a wrong impression of yourself. Because it may be that you did your best and yet still think you acted wrongly by not having tried hard enough to do your best. Be careful not to react like this.
Don’t exaggerate, also not in your relationships with people. Do not think that you should always be at the ready to do your best, to always be the one who is forgiving, and so on. No, this is not being asked of you.
You should dare to be honest, dare to live with honesty, dare to do your own things with honesty, with the awareness of how important this is and that you need not go beyond that.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“As you learn to to speak about these things, it may be that people will close themselves because of not daring to open themselves for them. Be patient; do not try to impose openness on them and also do not open yourself, because this is a waste of energy.
Sometimes you may feel compelled to say certain things, and you may do this, but if afterwards you are hurt by the reaction, you should realize that, due to your misappraisal of the other, this was partly your choice.
It is always good to be very careful in your relationships with people. Do not immediately begin by sharing the most beautiful, the best, the finest in yourself. No, try to put things into perspective, which is to say daring to consider certain matters that could fall in accord with the other.
It is always better to be careful in what you have to say because then you will sense how far you can go. You should not feel obligated to do your very best.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“Be calm in life and dare to express things in a simple way: “This is how I see it now, today.” And if you see it like this now then it may be that tomorrow you will see it differently, and that doesn’t matter.
There is also no reason to feel guilty about what you said yesterday and would say differently today. No, it was good, because you were only able to see it in that way.
This is always the same where guilt is concerned: that people were not able to realize certain things earlier and responded in the best way they could at the time - or perhaps responded in a bad way - and by having reacted wrongly, they now realize they should not have done so and therefore now see that they could change.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“This is a discipline you need to learn: not to go in all directions but to try to see what is useful and good at this moment. When there are things which are barely useful, which have not been addressed, which are insignificant, then let them go, don’t keep yourself busy with these things. Just go on doing what you were planning to do, staying centred in your own silence, in your own inner self and in your own concentration, and know that this is good.
If you do get distracted then this should be only briefly and you should know what your significance in the distraction is. If it is completely useless then don’t get caught up in it. Also in regard to television, radio, newspapers and all kinds of media, stay focused and know: ‘What is it that I am searching for here? Why am I spending my time with this or with that? Why do I want this or that?’ By asking yourself these questions you will always find a new way of looking at things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“It is not good to want to hold on to everything. It is not good to want to stay like you were.
Dare to change and dare to also allow this change into your own heart, because this is the place of transformation. It is your heart that will guide you in this. Trust in your finding.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 3: People and society - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 3: Mens en maatschappij”) ©
“A great deal of information will come from ancient sources as well as from new sources, causing people to pose new questions and, on the whole, this will occur at such a fast pace that you should be able to guard yourself against it.
The silence can place a weapon in your hands. Being in silence enables you to discriminate between things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Often children or other members of your family can have a great influence on you. If this is the case, then you should know how you can find peace despite these people around you who are exerting a certain pressure upon you. This is a major point.
It is also a great experience when, in the midst of the turbulence of everyday life, you manage not to be swept away and succeed in remaining peaceful and quiet even though other people are caught up in a commotion.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The result of this may well be that people hand over the reins and say: “The events are what are leading us” or “These others are the ones leading and so they have to tell us what we should do.” But, essentially, you are capable of taking your life in hand, of living on this Earth and yet being centered in your own life. This insight is already a major step forward.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“It is not the pains of birth; it is the new presenting itself, but the rhythm is there, as if the child were already born and as if the child is taking its first breath and looks and sees.
The birthing is finished. This means: the energy is here. The light is here. The new is here. It is no longer in waiting, it is here. Once you realize this then you can participate and you will be able to go forward more easily than before.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Hence, very many people on this Earth are in turmoil and are dragging others along with them in their confusion. They think they should be doing all kinds of things. They have it in their minds that they are right and that they are also coming up with the right things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“If you feel you should be guiding others then don't do it. There is already a guidance; the guidance is in the people's own hearts. You don't need to guide them; a person can receive guidance within his or her own heart.
When you are together with others it's the openness that is important. Hence, there is an expansion of openness possible when you live from out of these inner contacts, when you live with the question: “How can I go within, how do I do that and then, from there, progress on this Earth?” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You never need to be afraid of making mistakes - everyone makes mistakes - but you do have to believe in yourself. Because believing in yourself means you access your power, which then lets you feel that you really can and may go forward and that you have the daring to do so. Daring is a necessity here on this Earth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Because relationships are very important in a person's life, because contact between people is very important, this is something to take into consideration, which means: If you live or are going to live with people, if you are together with people, then always try to see how you could behave, how you could fit in.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Don’t limit your ideas to include only a few people. See to it that you can reach out to everyone with your desire, and especially with your ideas, and, if they are pure, if they’re genuine, you will be able to reach more and more people.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The most essential things happen through your own openness, through your own desire, through the battle you have fought up until now.
It's not that you should be frightened to fight but neither should you go looking for a fight. Try to live with a changing you, with a renewing you, and to see what it means to stand next to others and to go forward together.
It's not that you should fight for it, but if you do fight you should place the right emphasis in your life. If you use the right values the fight will be a gentle one.
Understand this well - this doesn't imply deviating from your position but it does mean that amid the turmoil you are able to act in a simple, calm way. And that is where the force is.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“If it's not for you then it is not for you. If it's not for now then it is not for now. Don't worry about it. Know that you are doing things that are important.
If you are living your own life and bringing out things which come from your heart, this will be significant. Although it may be something small and although you may find it futile and useless, it will still be important.The spirit is there, the right emphasis is there, and that is important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Know that with gentleness you can achieve a great deal, but it should be a strict gentleness.
This means wanting to be really gentle at times when others are perhaps hard and strict with you. This is not easy, I know. It does mean, however, that you are acting correctly.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You will see that renewal comes once people learn to accept one another as they are - the one accepting the other; the other accepting the one - when they learn to accept the fact that the other is different, when they learn to accept that in their differentness the other holds just as much beauty, deepness and radiance.
If you can learn to see this you will be able to be happy with the other even though he or she may perhaps formulate and say totally different things than you, things which can yet be very beautiful.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There should be a communication between ‘what I think I am’ and ‘who am I, what do I want and where do I want to go?’
You might be thinking: ‘yes, I should do this’ when essentially you could know that you shouldn't actually do it. Hence, the importance of simplicity in order to be able to know what it is your essential being wants; what it is you want in the deepness of your life. What in your life is righteous, what is correct? Maybe you should not be working together with certain people. Maybe what you should be doing is learning to work with different people. And this is something you can bring into question.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The simplicity of life depends on your not jumping ahead of yourself, on your not thinking: ‘now I have to do this’ if you are not yet able to do it. There really is time. You don't need to be in a hurry because then you would be making a mistake.
If you rush into the renewal you simply won't be able to get to know who you are. You need to take time for yourself. Some people even need to take a lot of time and, if that is the case, then you should give it to them. Do not rush yourself either, that makes no sense at all.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Sometimes people will ask for advice but are not at all open to receiving any kind of advice whatsoever. Hence, it really requires a lot of time. A lot of time goes into listening, listening, and still more listening.
Because when people are searching they meet up with all kinds of things on their path but cannot give these things a place. And this 'not being able to give things a place' means that there is not much you can say to them; first they have to be able to come to some kind of order within themselves.
Nevertheless, their attempts to express these 'searching thoughts' is, in itself, already very significant, because by doing so they are learning to listen to themselves.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“The will is a force with which you can find yourself. When you want something, know that this is something that will take you to yourself. And when you want something from the other, know that you are using your will in a wrong way.
You should be able to stand in your own originality and this is something you do when you deal with this force, thus, when you set your will in yourself and declare: “I will find out what I am, I will find out what lives in me and I will express who I am.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You cannot force things, ever. You also don't need to be anxious that you won't have enough time, because this is not true.
Know that all great things should be able to be born from out of a peace. In that there is a force which is genuine and this is what should be able to take you up to where you can be.
By rushing around you are making the mistake of urging others to join you in your haste and also encouraging them to do things which they are not able to do at that moment.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“It is always a good thing when you realize that you should not force anything because there is an energy that cares.
When you have patience you can meet this caring energy in yourself and in others. This caring energy always offers a possibility that would otherwise be impossible in life. When you know that God takes care of you, like a mother cares for her child, and that He will never leave you unless He has His reasons for doing so: in order to momentarily leave you alone like a mother would leave her child alone for a moment.
God's care for you will always be there. If you know that He cares for you, you can also know and realize that He cares for the other. This is something you have to learn, really learn in life: that there is a caring attention; a care for the very small and for the very great; a care for you but also for the others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There are always roads to take you further, this you know, and there is also always something in life which will force you to go further; and yet there is a complexity in life.
You should be able to manage to simplify this complexity. This is the very great difficulty. The probability that you will succeed in doing this is small because there are so many factors that play a role in this, and yet you should be able to give it a try because simplicity is the strongest thing there is, for it enables you to go forward with full force. By combining two things you will be stronger than when you just have two separate things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You should see to it that you deal with things in as simple a way as possible and say: “That is where I want to go at this moment, and so I will.” And if you are not up to it, postpone it for a bit and don’t keep yourself busy with it. Know: ‘I will get there, but not now.’ In this manner you can call yourself back to order and bring yourself to where you are.
This is very important: to be where you are; to be present in the moment in which you are now, with your thoughts, with your feelings and with the whole of your being.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There are choices to be made in life and when you choose for the beautiful, for the great, for the eternal, for love, then this is a conscious choice and then you can make a start at experiencing it. Otherwise you cannot.
If you assume that you are loving but don’t make any effort to really want to be loving then you have not even begun to love, then you do not know what love is.
You have to be able to give love a place in your life. You have to embrace it and say: “Look, this is my goal, I really want this.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“When people or things come on your way then be aware that you should learn to look and listen, and that you should be able to take them up into your heart. (…) This implies relating to them in the correct way. And this is so important, to let go of people with your eyes, with your thoughts, with your feelings, but to take them into your heart and to lovingly cherish them there, and to know what it is to be busy with people with love.
This does not mean you have to agree with them on everything, on the contrary. It means learning to know them as they are and yet accepting them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“A person wants things and they especially want to go their own way, but they also have to take account of others and often they are unable or unwilling to see this. Yet this is a small part of the experiencing of the Divine on this Earth.
The other is different from you; he or she is someone other than you. This is also why we say: the other. He or she is therefore different, and this also means that you have to live in a relation to the other.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Don't act in a restrictive way, don't think: ‘the other has to think like me.’ Be expansive, try to introduce elements that expand the other.
By doing this you are actually educating yourself. Because when you help the other to be more expansive, in whatever field, then you will expand in equal measure. And so by keeping busy with people who you would like to see become more expansive, you keep broadening yourself, until eventually you know more and are broader than all those around you and who don't have the same desire as you, who don't want to broaden themselves.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“A question is not always a good question. It may be good, even very good, but it may also take you away from yourself by not allowing you to believe in life itself or, on the other hand, evoking a kind of rebelliousness that rejects everything and declares: “There is nothing.” And then you have already answered your own question, because the question always holds the answer. But if you ask the wrong question you will get the wrong answer.
Therefore, at a certain moment it is important to see that you can still go forward without questions.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You should take the small task you now see in life and expand it, widen its perspective; and when you are busy with a major task, with something expansive, you should dare to take an even wider view. And then, when you are busy with things which are even wider, you should confront yet still greater things. There is never an end to the path.
And, also, you will not be able to find solutions within the framework of what you are searching for unless you begin to look more broadly and create a more expansive vision for yourself, and this is something you can do when you are sensible and therefore appreciate the amount of time this will take. Because, and I repeat it once again: otherwise you may be disillusioned because of your taking too much account of the things along the way and because you do not yet know how to go to your heart.
Don't let yourself become disillusioned along the way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“When you begin with this you will be deluged with questions which will have to be answered, one by one, because this is not something that can be done all at once. And this is the difficulty: that things happen in your life which you think you cannot handle. But when you live with love you will discover that everything is possible with love and that there is a place and a time for everything. And you will see that you are, indeed, making progress.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You can receive My help, and so you will always advance further than what you can now imagine. Because when you receive support from the Hierarchy you will discover new worlds and handle the fire when it needs to be handled.
It is important that there are people who are able to wield the sword of discrimination, who know what they want and who know in which way to tackle something.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“In whatever situation you may be, no matter how complicated, if you strive for simplicity, hence, if you work with your heart, then you will find solutions, this is an absolute certainty.
However, soon you may find you have a tendency to go too quickly and that is not good. It's better to go slowly, because when you aspire for something with your heart you are in simplicity and, above all, you begin to set things in order. And this order is difficult because the Earth is in chaos. When you put things in order, when you are working with a plan, when you are working with the Divine, then you are doing things that take time.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“As you go along with the flow of renewal, you will have to define yourself in it; you can't just go along with the flow, you have to determine your position in it, you have to show what it is you want, because then you will produce a new force.
With this love you can produce a new force, you can take another direction - one that goes along with the stream but in which you will learn to determine your own direction.
This means: you are not dependent on any force, on any power.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“It is very important to be open to new pathways and, when treading these new paths, to actually leave the past behind you, to say: “Okay, this happened and now onwards ahead,” so that you will dare to do new things.
Look in all directions. Choose your own things. Realize the importance of making your own mark on this Earth and know that you can do this, that you may do this, and that you do have the strength for it.
Hence, you should be able to do it in your own way, but with love; never forget this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“As banal and small as something may be, it has something to offer you, it has something to show you and it bears an essentiality. And you can assimilate this essentiality into your soul because your soul knows how to deal with everything in life. You are a little part of this great life and each element of life belongs to you; it belongs to your own real life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Never think you are apart from people and mean nothing to others or are unable to mean something to others. You can actually mean a lot to someone, but then you need to also believe that you can actually be of significance to someone - by believing in the reality of this Earth and knowing: ‘I can go forward with humanity.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 14 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“By the contact you make with the life of this Earth and with the totality of humanity, you can also grow calmer and realize: ‘there are many issues that are important but I have to make a choice.’
The choices are just as important as the issues themselves. You have to be able to choose for certain things you find important. Because there is so much on this Earth that it is impossible to achieve everything in your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Obviously, your life is different from the life of someone else. You are a different being. This means that you can bring certain issues to the fore which others cannot see or cannot experience. So, to a certain extent, to a certain point, dare to stand on your own, while knowing that you are in a relationship and in an alliance. This alliance is very important; do not shun people, do not put yourself above people, do not put yourself below people.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“ ‘Honesty lasts the longest’ is a saying in Dutch, and this implies that one begins to see further and indeed dares to go further. Because when you are honest you will find you are not so quickly held back - by your feelings, by your thoughts, by things that come on your way about which you don't know what to do.
If you are honest you will very quickly be able to find the way and you will say: “This is my life, this is the way I see it, this is the way I lived it, this is the way I wanted it and now I'm moving on.” When you are honest you will find your way through the difficulties.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“People will face challenges, which is why it's so important for you to be able to be in the silence. The way in which you do that will be different from the way others do it, which is the reason you can contribute something to others.
From this silence and from the quiet hope - the hope that you can find the way together - you can be an example, not to be an example but because you know: ‘What I'm doing is good,’ and that is an example. If you do something good you are being an example but you should not want to be an example. You should want to do good things.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Don't condemn people for what they say, for what they do, but with this goodness, from your heart, try to listen and to look at your neighbour and let him or her into your life.
You are a small part of the whole but the other is also a part of you and you are a part of the other person's life. Therefore there is a connection between you, you are not separate and you should be able to clearly give that connection a place in your heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 15 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Be reasonable with yourself; don't go rushing to achieve things. Don't think: ‘I must do this and I must do that,’ because then you will make the mistake of starting with so many things that you won't be able to handle them all. Try to take it easy in life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 17 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“You have to put certain things in your life in order, otherwise I cannot be active in your life.
When you are careless, when you are not kind and gracious, when you don't work with love, then you won't be able to find Me in your life - I will be there but you will not be able to find Me. And yet I promise that I will help each one of you, also the people who are sloppy and also those who are not working in the right way, but in that case you will not be able to meet Me.
When you work in an orderly manner, when you have goodwill, when you turn certain important things in your life in My direction, then you will be able to meet Me on your way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 17 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“There is such great love in the hearts of those who are searching for clarity. This love is also in My heart and I want to always be there for people who are searching with a certain kind of strictness for themselves and with a tenderness towards others.
And these are the points you should work on, so that you will know: ‘There is a way I must go and I will dare to tread this path, and I will not do it alone’; because you do not have to walk this path all by yourself; I am like a brother, the least one amongst you, and I will see to it that I remain the least one.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 4: The step towards infinity - chapter 17 (“Morya Kracht 4: De stap naar oneindigheid”) ©
“Your life doesn't need to be so hectic; you don't need to be so very busy, putting so much stress on your nervous system, on your thoughts, on your feelings.
It can be different and you should learn to see this for yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You should not always say everything, also not because of the fact that you should be able to be, so to say, honest.
You can keep quiet about a certain fact and still be honest in relation to the other, because you have learned to evaluate the other in the right way: ‘Can the other cope with my truth, can the other share in my experience?’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It's good to be busy with art in a good way, it's good to sometimes sing a song or to whistle, it's good to sometimes really relax at a dinner party or to go out somewhere.
It doesn't have to be anything big, but there should be room in your life for a luxury of peace, a luxury of content, of purpose.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If there are difficulties in your life, first of all look at what the difficulties are for you and not so much: ‘How should others be for me, what should others do for me, what can they do for me, or what mistakes are they making in my life?’ Don't act like this.
Whatever issues there may be in your life try to be calm and try to see who you are and which bit of difficulty is yours. In other words: put yourself in your own life, look at your own life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Don't feel embittered towards others. Don't think that you should be constantly working to help others recognize that they made mistakes or that they should have done this or that. No, be honest with yourself and, if you have contact with someone who is important to you, let it be an honest contact. Then a tranquility with come into your life and you will learn to express certain things in a correct way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“ ‘This is a moment when I should be able to be calm and look at myself; to look ‘in the mirror’ at myself: ‘Who am I? What did I do? How come things are so difficult for me?’ Not: ‘Why is it so difficult for her, or for him?’ No: ‘Why is it so difficult for me at this moment?’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Do not too quickly conclude that you should ask advice from others.
First of all think: ‘How can I understand this problem?’ Not so much: ‘What can I do about it; how can I solve it?’ but: ‘How can I look at it?’
Therefore, it is important to look at life, at your life. Thereby you will also be able to let go of a good deal of anxiety. And if you think you should be frightened, know that this fear is merely incidental because you can acknowledge yourself beyond the bounds of fear.
If in your soul you are calm, if you are inwardly calm, something happens whereby you gain a certain independence, you become somewhat independent of the circumstances.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If you pray at times when things are difficult, a force is sent to you and you will be able to live from this force.
It is not for nothing that prayer has been given to humanity. Great beings have taught people to pray. They showed us what our relation to God can be when life is difficult. And it is from this relationship and from that prayer that a force appears in your life. You will begin reflecting on your life in the right way and you will learn to place the right emphases in your life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“God looks upon all people as children and showers His grace on each child, on each person, at a particular moment.
You are not continually in God's grace but you are always in God. Sometimes God withholds His grace to allow you to experience things for which you have to make an effort, things from which you should learn something.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“God works with light and with love; He is light; He is love. He shows you the reality of existence, not what you should think, or what you should feel, or what you should do, but He shows you what He is doing for you. He is the one who uplifts your life and lets you sense the fluttering of the angel's wing.
Because when angels are around you there is a kind of light-play in your aura, sparkles of joy are woven all around you so that you learn to experience it in a gentle manner.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It may be that you feel abandoned and alone and that suddenly you are approached by someone you have never met before, as if God had given this person the impulse to do this or that for you, and you will think: ‘How is it possible that he is saying this to me.’ It may be that this person says something to you that even he, himself, doesn't understand, because God has given him the thought to say it. And it can even be that he does not realize that what he is saying is directed particularly to you. God has everything in hand.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It is not always good to live with ideas, no matter how good they may be, but it is always good to put these ideas into perspective, even the good ideas. Because you should be able to be flexible, as flexible and large as life itself.
Don't cling to any idea whatsoever, but know that the value is in your heart; the value of your life lies in your own heart, in the quality of your heart, in the capacity of your heart, in the possibility to live with love and from there to look at what more you could achieve in life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“There is something within you saying: “Do this.” Listening to that might initiate a conflict and may give you the feeling that you are all alone with your insights, and yet you may still feel you need to acknowledge these insights. And if you brush them aside you will not have a good feeling about your life because you will realize: ‘Actually, I'm not being honest with myself; I should be listening to what is happening within me.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“A difficulty in this can be that you will perhaps be able to help someone else but not your own partner or your own child. You can find this to be a painful experience but it doesn't need to be, because for God every person is a child, and for God every person is His own child, and if you do something for one of His children then you are doing something for God. At this level the forces mingle and you learn, you learn from the renewing forces in your own life and in the lives of others.
But it can be that you are incapable of helping a certain person in a conscious way. Yet there is help and it will then go through you to someone else who, in turn, will come across this person's path in order to help them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“There is very much that you are able to understand, albeit not everything. Therefore, when you look at someone you might feel disappointed either because you see that this other person is no further than where they are and that despite all you have done for them they still wouldn't be able to understand, or otherwise because you see where someone stands and you would also like to be where they are and you feel jealous. In both cases the reaction is of course not good.
Know that now and then it is good to be able to let go of people. You can keep wanting the best for them but don't go along with them in their lives, in their evolution. Hold on to those things happening within you and to the reality of your own life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It's not a coincidence when you meet people; it's not a coincidence when certain ideas come to your mind. It has a meaning, but a meaning that is not always the right one and therefore you should try to correct yourself wherever you feel you are not working in the right way. This is a path of purification, of cleansing.
If you cannot do this for yourself then ask for light.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You may have an inner feeling of unease when you engage with things which are not correct. Do not then think: ‘This feeling of unease is wrong.’ No, you should realize: ‘I am busy with the wrong things.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Even though you may be making the whole world happy, you can still feel unhappy yourself - because you're exhausted, because you thought it would be like this or like that and it turned out differently, and so on.
You, yourself, need to find happiness, and that sometimes depends on very minor, subtle factors.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“There can be deep intuitions in your life that clearly show you: ‘this is your reality, this is what you should do now.’ And if you don't do it you will think to yourself: ‘Yes, but I have my reasons because…..’ and then you come up with a mitigating circumstance for yourself, but actually you realize that you are not acting correctly.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Know that there is a reality that transcends your reality. It is very important for you to gain insight into this, at least in part, so that you do not lose courage and constantly begin thinking: ‘I can’t do this and I can’t do that, and it won’t work out,’ and actually criticize yourself, because this is not good.
Realize that there are evil forces tempting you to become discouraged. Learn to recognize this and realize that there are people who go along with that and as a result are discouraging for others. Never go along with this.
Know that you are a good person, that there is a force within you, and that you can live with this force, and then your life will change and will be headed in the right direction.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“When you give your attention to people then stay calm within that attention. It's important for you to take some time out to listen to others. Because it may be that you are worrying about something you want to achieve, either with someone, with yourself, or in a conversation, and this is unnecessary.
If people come to you with their problems this does not mean that you must necessarily do something. You are not obliged to do anything, and certainly not in a conversation, not even in a therapeutic conversation when you might have the idea that everything depends on you; in reality this is not so.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It may be that inwardly you feel: ‘I must do this.’ Then do that. But without exaggerating, without being hurried, but with that inner longing of being true to yourself, true to your inner voice, to that which is greater than what you are able to think and what you are able to feel.
From this inner force things are offered to you, things which are new and that bring renewal in your life and in the lives of others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“God is not the one that stirs up trouble between people. On the contrary, He wants that everyone should make something that is good and beautiful with the energy He gives to people, not only for oneself but also for others. And, within you, you know this.
Within you is a big pattern, a great reality, a great plan that is being worked out not only for your life but also for the lives of others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“There is more to your existence than what you might imagine at first sight. In the silence of your being you know much more than you give yourself credit for.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Inwardly there might be an uneasiness… I want to repeat this so that you won't be disappointed in yourself, so that you will not think: ‘Yes, it's all so easy and it should be easy.’ No, it might well be more difficult than you think it is, yet you will be helped on that path.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Inwardly, there may be a great kinship between one person and another, and sometimes people will discover this, although once in a while this can happen much too late. For instance, people who are dying may discover the value of this life only because it is coming to an end, but also because at that moment people will often break free of the lie and understand: ‘It's good to be together in all sincerity, we have such little time left and now we should be honest and put things right.’
But why wait so long before experiencing this moment of honesty in life?”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Often you will face challenges and want to do your best, you want to find definite solutions for certain problems, and this is all good.
You can also share your difficulties with others, you don’t need to worry about doing this, but don’t lay too great a burden on the shoulders of others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“When things are difficult in your relations with the other, you should first of all not express the problem in words.
If you do speak about it, your words may not come over well or they may be misunderstood. Then it is better not to use words, but instead to show your patience, kindness, and openness.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It is good to acknowledge and be appreciative of what others do.
Look at and pay attention to the positive things they do, listen to what is positive in them, search for the positive and don’t reproach them if something goes amiss or is wrong or was misjudged, or whatsoever it might be.
If you emphasize the problems then you will mostly always have problems.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“For instance, if you follow a course then take from it what is important for you at that moment, not forever, but what is good today, is good.
And if it's still the same tomorrow then it may also be that it is good and will stay good. But what you recognize and experience as good today might also be a bit different tomorrow, so that you will think: ‘Yes, but I've gone past that, I don't think that this is good enough for me anymore, it should be a bit better for me, it should be a little different.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“You might be embarrassed by someone who reproaches you by saying: “Look, you said this and that, but I don't see you doing it.”
And, indeed, in a careful way you should try to be consistent, but your consistency need not be so radical that you might think: “Yes, I said something once and now I should always live in this same way,” this is not true.
What is true today might bring you a new insight tomorrow, whereby it may become a slightly different truth.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“It isn't a matter of breaking the other down, and also not of breaking down what may be wrong in the other. Try to overlook this and to search for the deepness of life in the other. Then you will find common points between you and the other with which to achieve a little bit of peace, a little bit of harmony.
Unfortunately, this is not always possible. But even when this is not possible - imagine that you are unable to find this path to harmony, to peace, with a certain person - then you can nevertheless introduce a small bit of energy that demonstrates peace, love, objectivity and honesty by sincerely praying for the other, by asking God, the Divine Father, the Divine Mother, or whoever in the Divine, to bless you on the path to peace, to bless you on the path to harmony, to bless you on the path towards happiness, and also to bless the other on the path to their peace, their happiness, their deeper recognition of their own self.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If you live with goodness toward the other and it is misinterpreted, then this doesn't need to harm you; you also don't have to accept it, you don't have to let it seep into you. You simply have to make sure that this other person's energy is knocking at the wrong door. Realize it is his or her responsibility to live with this energy and that they are pulling themselves down, but that you don't have to join them there.
Don't let yourself be pulled down by someone else's words, don’t do that. Try to live with the force of your heart, with the force of your soul, and then you will do the right things and you will also use the right words, which will be given you to say.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Also if you don't always have the words to say something, also if you don't always have the right gesture with which to show something, don't be anxious, it will be taught to you.
Your heart that is filled with love will teach it to you. Also if you think: “Hmm, this is difficult, (….) I might miss my part to play in existence, I might miss carrying out my task in life.” There is no need to be frightened because you will find the way.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Don't live like someone who is closed and just tries to see what is feasible. There are things which are not feasible today but soon will be.
Live with openness and try to accept the fact that your life can develop in any direction. Don't set boundaries to your knowledge. Also don't too often think: ‘Yes, it has to be like this and like this,’ while you go about figuring out for yourself how it all should be; don't do this.
Try to live from out of your heart, from out of the love of your heart, and you will see what that love will bring you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Sometimes, with your heart, you should explain to your mind that what you are doing is not good. Because deep within yourself you can know what is good. Even if your mind doesn't understand, explain to your mind that what you are doing is not good and that it should learn to realize this.
Then you will be calmer, you will be in the force of your life and bit by little bit you will travel a path of peace, of happiness, of balance, of insight, of intelligence, of all the good things you can think of, and you will also see that it has become a reality in your life, that it is truly something of value, of great value.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“If you call on Me, you will recognize Me in the work you do and you will discover that I am standing by your side in times of trouble.
Don’t ever feel bitter. Never think: ‘I can’t cope with my life.’ Because whatever happens, whatever problems there may be, pray and you will be heard. But don’t put a time limit on it. Don’t say to God: “You must do this for me now,” because this is nonsense.
You should know that when you pray to God that God will answer your prayer in a way better than what you could imagine.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“There are things that will become possible in your life. Know that even very shortly you may come up with ideas which will have an innovating effect and you will have the feeling of having been taken up within a greater whole because you will see and discover that there are indeed very many people working on and joining in the renewal.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 5: True to yourself - chapter 11 (“Morya Kracht 5: Trouw aan jezelf”) ©
“Don't overestimate yourself in the sense that you want to learn too much in all directions, because then it ceases to be interesting. Certainly, there may be a period in your life when you orientate yourself in such a way that you come in contact with very many people, very many things, very many books, theories, psychological ideas, and so on, until you have had enough and until you realize: ‘now I would like to take it easier and I only want to be busy with essential things, with the beautiful, good things in my life.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 1 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Don't assume that the other is always the cause of your problems, also not within a relationship. So, reflect on your own life: where are the tensions in your life, where do they come from? ‘And is there something I can do to lessen these tensions?’ Hence, not particularly in regard to the other.
If you begin to look at this then you may find a way to become somewhat calmer, and this is very important. This inner path, this way of asking yourself questions instead of questioning the other is very important; it's important to take it upon yourself to say: “What is my problem?” Not so much: “What can I do about the other's problem?” No. “What is my problem and what can I do about it?” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“In reality, the fact is that very many things are not problematic, even though at first sight you could think: ‘that is a big problem.’ Because mostly people will exaggerate the problems and think that they can't find a way out because they are indeed waiting for the solution to come from someone else.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“The big question is: ‘Can I be myself when the other is also here?’ This is something you should consider: could it not be because you adapt yourself too easily to the other and don't stand up enough for yourself? It might be.
It might be that to begin with you must find a way to become yourself, rather than listening to the criticisms of others or almost ahead of time taking account of what the other might possibly say.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“It needn't be so difficult…this life. You don't need to be constantly busy in all directions trying to find out: ‘What about this or that, or that problem?’ No, it is sometimes refreshing to simply sweep all the problems together in a heap and say: “I'll see what happens. Now, at this moment, I don't want to live with these problems; now, for a while, no problems,” and just be yourself. Once in a while you should be able to do this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Once in a while you should be able to do this. Wherever you are, with whomever you are, wherever your life is taking place, whatever pressures there are in your life, whatever your job may be… now and then you should be able to be alone, and then not so much to again spend time with everyone, but simply alone.
Dare to go off somewhere on your own, to be alone in order to reflect on your existence. It doesn't have to be for long, a few days, perhaps one day, even a few hours if need be can already be enough. Go for a walk and take a breath of fresh air.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“The intention is that you should become yourself and not worry about the contacts, that you don't primarily think: ‘The other should be my happiness, should complete my life,’ because that is then not a true life.
If you think that the other determines your happiness it means you are dependent on that and you should really try to be independent, self-reliant, to be calm and to be happy. Then you will be capable of finding happiness within yourself and you won't need to get it from another. Then you won't have the need to beg for happiness and for love, but you will know that you, yourself, are capable of living with a warm-heartedness towards others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Sometimes you must be able to let go of the other - of what they do, what they say, and not to get annoyed or bothered. This is of course quite a task because it happens before you know it. If you are not careful you may feel annoyed as soon as you see them. Then it is difficult.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Can you actually be strict with other people? Because that should also be possible, especially when it involves the need to arrange a number of matters. Therefore, it should be possible for you to arrange your own life, perhaps in opposition to others, for that is your right.
It may involve a small conflict but you should be able to also say ‘no’ to people. This is very important. If you can say this ‘no’ you will be making and creating space around you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Some things may be difficult for a while. But never despair, don't think: ‘No, I can't take this; I cannot cope with this at all.’ You shouldn't live in this way.
Try to stay calm in life, first of all be calm, and if you can manage to do that then in a short time you will notice that a number of those problems are not really problems. You either worried too much about them or your outlook was too bleak, too pessimistic, and that is because you are sometimes stressed or in a situation that you can't handle, or because you have a number of smaller problems that have accumulated to form one big problem.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If you can manage to stay calm, to get enough sleep, to have a good life, at least at certain moments, you will naturally recharge your batteries.
From time to time it's also important to go into the nature on your own, or if need be with a good friend or your partner, and realize: ‘This is a fine time we are having.’ These moments should be possible. If you live within a family it should be possible to know: ‘Look, right now we don't need anyone, we are alone, cozily together,’ not to create problems or to talk about problems but simply to be nicely together, with everything just being fine.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“When you give your attention to others then let it come from the bottom of your heart, with this love. Give it your own meaning when you say: “Look, I'm here to help you.” You don't need to always repeat this; there should be an attitude of: ‘We can count on one another in times of need.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Try living in a different way, try to live in that openness where you can put up with many things, where you don't immediately become annoyed or stressed when someone comes on your terrain, when someone comes into your home, into your garden, your inner courtyard, into the garden of your heart, or when you might have the feeling: ‘It's as if the other is attacking me.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“When you live with people who lie and cheat and are dishonest, this is really damaging to your life and you don't need to suffer that.
If people deceive you, if they are unfaithful, if they determine your life, if they oppress your life, then you are involved in a struggle, but a good struggle because you must see to it that you can escape from this situation.
Therefore, it is not so that you have to be the other's victim, because you are someone with dignity and your life has a meaning, just as the life of the other also has a meaning.
This is why sometimes you have to put your foot down and say to yourself: “Look, I don't need this.” You don't have to argue over it, but you can be protective of yourself and those dear to you, with the knowledge that: ‘Look, these are not good people for us.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“You cannot live together with someone and constantly deeply experience different values, this is almost impossible. But if you have that openness, if you live with that sensible openness whereby the other can be him- or herself, whoever they are, then it is possible. It depends on your attitude.
You do, however, need to be patient with yourself and with the other. Don't demand that the other should be like you, but do insist that they become themselves and develop, albeit in a calm way, but keep in mind too that in that development can be a number of very beautiful things, and value that.
It is this mutual trust, this appreciation which should be there. This can express itself in different directions, which can be very beautiful.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If you are loving then you will never give the other too big of an assignment, you will never demand too much from the other, but you will always offer them things in a positive manner, things which they can also find if he or she needs them.
Love is positive, it has an enormous capacity to feel, to empathize, and it can measure things, it can therefore very precisely indicate the measure, it can say: “This is feasible; this other not yet.”
So, always be careful to not also give yourself too big of an assignment, also not on the spiritual path. Don't think: ‘I should already be there,’ while you are actually here.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Be careful with yourself and be happy with your life today, and what tomorrow brings you will see.
It is now, this moment, that is very important. And you don't really need much to be happy. If it's a little warm, if you've a little something to eat; I would almost say… if you just have a little bit of air to breathe, healthy air, then the basic conditions are already in place for you to be happy, because you don't really need so much.
But it's true that your life should be meaningful, that you should have a challenge and are able to say: “I'm working towards that, I'm working on this, I find this interesting, I even think it's wonderful.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Therefore, when you come in contact with yourself, when you come into your own life, when you look at your own problems, don't imagine that you will be immediately able to change everything.
First of all, try to be very patient, because you were also not made in one day.
And it's also true that your life has a meaning. It is not for nothing that you are on this Earth, it is not for nothing that you are alive and it is not for nothing that your life is as it is.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“ ‘Am I able to do something good in my life? First of all for myself, so that, therein, I can learn to know myself: ‘Look, this is totally me, I did this and there I am.’
Don’t bother about the fact that it may not be finished or that it isn’t totally perfect, because in the outer world perfection is not a necessity. Look around you, nature is also sometimes sloppy...”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Easy to say, harder to do. Because once you begin you will suddenly think: ‘Oh, I never thought it would be so difficult, or that this or that would be expected of me, or that once I'm here that I would really actually have to do that.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“People sometimes tend to break each other down. As soon as someone wants to go forward with a certain idealism there will directly be people who say: “That's not so good, you shouldn't do that, you shouldn't go along with that.”
This can arouse your defiance and make you think: ‘huh, if that's so....I don't feel like always fighting against this.’ This is why it's good to stay calm and to go forward from a sensible, real basis: ‘These are my qualities which I want to develop and I want to dedicate myself to working in this and that direction.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“If, in your life, there is an inattentiveness toward others, don't immediately be upset with yourself, angry that you can't do this or that, that you have so many things to do, that you don't have the right life; this is not good.
Don't blame yourself because some things happen with which you cannot yet cope.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 3 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Your time is very important. Not to stretch it out or to give it another rhythm or to work against yourself, but to have time become a kind of indulgence: ‘My life is good.’ It should rather be the psychological time of: ‘I feel good,’ and no longer a clock-time of: ‘In half an hour I have to be there and by then I should have done this and that.’ No, you should instead ask yourself: ‘What is useful, what is good, what is important?’ Not: ‘How long have I been busy with this?’ No, because like this you are making yourself tense.
‘Am I wasting my time on trivialities and is what I am doing of any importance?’ It’s this kind of time that is important - when you give your life a correct substance.
But the correct substance comes mostly from within and not from the environment.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Look at the difficulties that there were: ‘How did I react? What did I say? Was that loving on my part?’
You can change this, because you will always encounter circumstances where you can again experience what you weren't able to do before - of course in a different way - whereby you gain control of yourself.
It is this important moment which you should learn to recognize in your life, this moment where you take control of yourself in a calm way, whereby you determine yourself, whereby you show who you really are and what you have already learned about life.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Of course you can feel annoyed about the world, absolutely. This doesn't imply that at that moment the world in regard to your annoyance is not a reality, but it does mean that you can learn to deal with this annoyance differently.
Instead of getting upset you can search for: ‘What attitude could I have in regard to what or who annoys me? Can I also assess in the other that Divinity which I experience in myself? Can I become aware of the other's search? Can I know that the sensitivity that is within me is also in the other?’
Because whoever this other may be, the other is a tender blossom, someone who is searching for that same light, that same God, even though they may not realize it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“When you are in that peace and you know: ‘Look, now, stop for a moment, sit still, wait a minute, do nothing for a while,’ if that voice says to do nothing for a moment, then do that.
Don't think: ‘Yes, but I'll be losing time and I don't know what and it's already making me nervous.’ No, try it out and listen to what else that voice might possibly say. But don't fill it in yourself and also don't fight against it, try to truly accept it: 'Okay, this is it then,’ and test it out to see if that is indeed good to do.
Because you know what is right, you wouldn't doubt about what is good, you can recognize this in your life, can't you? But usually it's so different from what you were planning to do…”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“You, yourself, must become loving, must try to show love. Expect nothing and don't preach to others: “Yes are not being loving, so I'm waiting for you to take the first step.” That is too difficult because this other is perhaps not working in this way. While you are finding your way it may be that the other has not yet found their way for him- or herself.
If you then have to wait until everyone is loving before you finally also take that step, you will always be too late.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“When faced with difficulties in life then, too, you should be careful with yourself, as you should be with your fellow persons.
It is not because you suddenly discover a great difficulty in your life, through circumstances, that you should quickly do a number of things in the shortest amount of time which might then offer a solution to the problems. Sometimes this is simply not possible and sometimes you have to ask for time for yourself, that should also be possible.
So don't be too hard on yourself because then you will end up also being hard on others and this is an unpleasant way to live.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 9 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Once you come into your own life you realize that you are someone of importance.
The point is not to criticize yourself, unjustified criticism like: ‘I can't do this and this is not good and I'll never amount to anything and people have always broken me down and no one believes in me.’ These are things you can emphasize by sweeping and gathering all the negative moments in one big pile and then saying: “I'm just a bunch of dust and dirt.” But there is much more than this in your life. Of course, your body will once decay and turn to dust but you are more than this body, than this instrument. You are a child of God.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“Relatively important steps can be taken in a very simple way. If you think: ‘I have to change my whole life,’ don't do that. If you think: ‘It frightens me to think about all these things,’ then don't think about them. It is therefore not necessary to do everything and everything and everything....”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 6: Feeling at home in your own life - chapter 10 (“Morya Kracht 6: Thuis in je eigen leven”) ©
“When you do things for others you should always measure your actions. I would even go as far as to say that you should use your ruler. You must ask yourself: “What am I doing for this person and is it justifiable? Am I perhaps doing too much? Or too little?” In this way you should weigh your actions, for this is also something that is very important.
Most people try to take advantage of others. They want others to do things for them. That is always the first thing most people will try to do - to get others to do something for them. This is because everything we do, every action we take, takes energy. And people who lack this energy will ask it from another.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 1: ‘Action and reflexion’ ©
“When you think you have a goal you should hold on to that goal for a while and take steps to try and reach it.
If in the meantime, however, you come across other goals as well, then take them into consideration. Ask yourself: “What is the most important goal for me?” You cannot have one goal without asking yourself: “Is this goal good enough?” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 1: ‘Action and reflexion’ ©
“If at a certain moment in your life you come to the point where you think: ‘Now, I can’t go on anymore,’ then you should realize that this is a test. Everyone is tested. There is no life that consists always and only of smooth sailing. Life will always have its ups and downs, its rough seas. No matter what you think, it will always be like this, because life is a challenge. And whenever you daren’t accept the challenge, it will still come to you, for nothing on Earth is stationary.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 2: ‘Changes here on Earth’ ©
“Whatever help you need you can find within yourself. Therefore you must be constantly alert so that you can become conscious of this.
When people are not able to reach their inner selves they ask help from others. And then they should be able to meet the right people at the right moment and this is just what is so difficult. Because when you are here on Earth and you need help you naturally hope to find it. But if you then meet the wrong person or persons, instead of getting help you will be getting into more misfortune.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 3: ‘The Divine Hierarchy in your life’ ©
“Many people perform actions yet feel empty and powerless and therefore lack joy.
Whenever you do something in opposition to your own power, for instance, because you have to do it or because you consider it as your duty, because tradition dictates or simply out of habit - all reasons to do something - then the power is missing and there is no joy.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 5: ‘Power in yourself’ ©
“Sometimes you’ll feel that you have more power than at other times and this flux is normal. So don’t blame yourself when sometimes you feel as if you have no power, nor want to do this or that. There could be a good reason for it. Life has a rhythm and that rhythm changes constantly according to the day, the season, the year or age, and you should understand this if you want to develop your power.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 5: ‘Power in yourself’ ©
“According to the degree to which you allow someone to live and be himself or herself and contribute elements in order to help them to become themselves, to the same extent you will come into your own polarity. Thus, to the degree that a woman lets a man be a man and that she actually helps him to become a man, in this same degree she becomes a woman and discovers what it is to be a woman.
It is from the polarities that we discover who we are and what we are. That is why it is so very important to help others to become themselves in all manner of ways and in all different facets.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 1: A deeper sense of life - chapter 11: ‘Love and consciousness’ ©
“The aim is for you to become broad-minded beings having the courage to look in all directions and daring to ask questions.
Even if you think a question is not good, you can still ask it. I’m not saying you’ll receive the right answer but you’ll have asked the question and the answer you receive might surprise you. This is then the moment to ask yourself if this is really what you were searching for.
You can then ask another question and can continue on in this way until you find out what it is you are really seeking - by using your intuition, by the profoundness of life, by daring to look at everything.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 1: ‘Asking questions in a changing world’ ©
“The openness that can develop between people is truly worthwhile. The world would be another place if people were open to one another and could look at each other in a sensible way. Not that you should flatter the other, this isn’t necessary, it’s even distracting. You should be able to approach the other sensibly, soberly, seeing their good points as well as their bad ones, plus all those little things you find objectionable. You should dare to see these things in yourself as well as in others, this is important.
Don’t shy away from this but keep observing with a sharp eye, the sharper the better. However, don’t communicate your findings, that’s something entirely different!”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 1: ‘Asking questions in a changing world’ ©
“Take note of the feelings that pass through you and also take note of the thoughts that come to you and that actually show you who you are. Because even though you are not the initiator of your thoughts - no matter what you may think, thoughts overcome you - they do show you who you are, for there are some thoughts you accept and others not.
Observe yourself during the coming days. If you are alert you will notice that, of the many things passing through your mind, some take your attention while others just pass by without your even noticing them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 1: ‘Asking questions in a changing world’ ©
“You may be made to walk a certain road you don’t wish to take. Yet you’ve been brought there to learn something, to learn how to escape from it, and to be able to say: “Now it’s finished, now I’ve had enough, now I am going to determine my life.”
If you look at it this way, you can discover what a load of excess baggage you’ve taken upon your shoulders, baggage from which you must now break away.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 5: ‘Side by side with the Master’ ©
“Patience, patience, patience. This is because without it you won’t really get anywhere. If you’re in a hurry you will never arrive where you should be.
If you are patient and can sink deep down within yourself, to wait, to struggle - but to struggle from within this silence - you will find all you need.
This can be very difficult, because some people need years of patience to find what they really need. But you should know that We know this, We appreciate it tremendously and We also know exactly what you need, precisely at the moment you need it. At that time it will be there and, what’s more, it will be the right thing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 5: ‘Side by side with the Master’ ©
“Don’t be surprised if you start to feel bothered by people, this is only temporary; just try to make peace with it.
Don’t start complaining: “Oh, my mother is like this and how terrible, and my husband and then my child ...” all those people around you who have become, as it were, bothersome and difficult. It’s not that they’ve become difficult, they are difficult.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 5: ‘Side by side with the Master’ ©
“Often people who live close to you will want something from you and you feel this very distinctly, and then you say: “Oh, well okay, if that’s what they want, then I’ll do it.”
However, it won’t always be so clear. When you do things you yourself don’t want to do just because others want you to do them, this can confuse you because then you no longer know what it is you yourself want. This makes life very complicated.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 6: ‘How do I take my life in hand?’ ©
“At a certain moment you ask yourself: ‘Yes, but is what I want good for me? Is there nothing else I should learn to know in my life, something else which will perhaps bring me further than what I’m envisioning for myself?’ At this point you shouldn’t hesitate, you should choose for yourself.
Don’t ever doubt about the fact your own will lies embedded within the Divine Will. Even if you want the, so to say, opposite of the Divine, you will still be learning to know and learning to live from the same power.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 6: ‘How do I take my life in hand?’ ©
“People tend to hold on to everything around them. Although they know they shouldn’t do this, they just can’t seem to find the trust within themselves to take the one step, to say: “Let go and just see.” This is what you should always try to do: “Let go and just see what happens.” ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“People should be able to be occupied with the physical body in careful deliberation with others, learning to refine their corporal qualities so they can live with it better: healthy foods, clean air, healthy relaxation.
All these aspects of existence have their own significance and a very great significance for the individual. But people should do this together; a person shouldn’t do it on their own. This is very peculiar: while a person is confined to his body he should, in association with others, actively seek for a way to relax his body, in order that they might, together, gain a better understanding of the physical body.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 7: ‘The Earth: body and third eye’ ©
“The other won’t do it in your place. You must do it for yourself, because you have to begin living in your heart. Another cannot take your place in your heart; the other has to live in his own heart.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 8: ‘The world of the heart’ ©
“Your life will continually bring you further into domains unknown to you. This is a good thing, but sometimes people don’t want change and in a certain way are frightened of changing their lives. They will say: “I can’t do it, and what I really need is safety, security, so I can see a certain development in my life, a certain construction.”
Often, however, life is not about construction but about destruction. You don’t need to panic when this happens, for it can be very necessary.
In a period of destruction often old things you hold dear disappear and then you find this sad and keep clinging to them; it’s only afterwards you discover how much fun it is to take up new things and to live differently.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 9: ‘A task in your life’ ©
“The point is for you to choose. You must work with precision, not just taking anything or everything, not grasping something in a hurry. There would be no purpose in this. Take something with a brilliance, something beautiful.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity - chapter 12: ‘A manual for turning your heart into a treasure house’ ©
“Sometimes it’s only an accent that needs to be changed. Sometimes people speak with the incorrect intonation - what they are saying is correct but the intonation is incorrect and the other then misunderstands it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The kingdom of God’ ©
“Not: ‘Is this true or not?’ But instead: ‘Which energy is in this thought? Was this thought born out of love or was it born out of resentment or hate or jealousy or out of whatever other energy?’ You should be able to feel this.
‘Who is expressing this thought? In which manner is it spoken? How do I, myself, express my own things and how do I, myself, speak? What energy is in my words and are they achieving their purpose?’
Often the feeling that is in the words, the energy that is in them, is more important than the words that are actually being spoken.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart - chapter 3: ‘The kingdom of God’ ©
“If you have questions, look to your own heart and ask yourself what it is you really want.
Is it your desire to find solutions to your current problems or don’t you really want to? Do you do something simply because others demand it or ask you to do it? Do you do it out of habit, because people expect it of you - your father, your mother or whoever else? Or do you do something because it’s what you really want, because it’s something that lives within you and you want to express it? This all makes a very big difference.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 1: ‘Transcending your doubts’ ©
“Don’t let doubt wear you down. Instead of ignoring it, give it your attention. Look at it straight on from all sides.
Dare to really see this doubt. If you ignore your doubt you will be giving yourself a false sense of security, which is not the intention. You must find a real security and it is the doubt that will bring you to it.
If you keep doubting about the deepness of your life, then you should look at the general thread of your being. Look at what you are actually doing and what is really important. Once you arrive at the real values, you can put an end to uncertainty, but not before.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 1: ‘Transcending your doubts’ ©
“Don’t go to work haphazardly. When taking a decision about your life, a deep decision, firstly you should pray and then you must be patient. After this time of patience you should again ponder over your decision.
You will then realize that you now see your decision in a different light and can deal with it differently, and then you will be doing well.
When you make a decision in this way and follow through on it, the chances are that you will attain your goal very quickly.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 1: ‘Transcending your doubts’ ©
“Don’t hang on to the old. A pity perhaps, but you should let it go, join in the evolution and try to keep up with the new things, for it will be really necessary. The degree of development you will face will be massive.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 2: ‘Prayer’ ©
“Whatever people are doing, whatever they are busy with, dare to look at those things they do differently from you, and see it as an opportunity to reach understanding.
For every time you observe people in their activities you will be amazed with what they have to say, with what they are doing, and you should be able to observe this and deal with it.
You should be able to look at people - at what they’re doing and saying - and be at peace with that, while still taking note of the differences.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 3: ‘Making peace’ ©
“This is then the important point that comes up, that, in your daily life, you try to get to know yourself by the way you express yourself.
If you think: “I know myself,” but do nothing coming from out of your own self, then you are mistaken. Then you don’t know who you are.
And this is always the case: People too often think they know themselves. But when it comes down to it, they don’t really know who they are, don’t know where they stand and don’t know what they are doing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 8: ‘The right attitude to life’ ©
“There is, you should know, a wrong way of working, which means you can be involved in a wrong sort of work. If this is the case, you need not change your work but should bring love into it and then the change will come by itself; automatically your work will change, you will change and also your environment will change, for all these are connected.
Once you come to the realization that love is the ultimate strength of your existence and is what makes you evolve, then so very much becomes truly possible in your life. Even though you might have the impression it isn’t bringing you any further, these are imperishable steps in your existence.
For a single action, a single word from your heart, from love, is transforming, not only in your own life but also in the lives of others.
What I would like to see happening in your life is your having the impression that you understand this and that you try to bring it to expression. But, I said ‘try’. You don’t have to succeed in always being loving, but you should try and then I will guide you and bring you further.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, quote from: Morya Wisdom 4: Trust in yourself - chapter 9: ‘You can realize yourself’ ©
“You should be able to gain confidence in humankind, in the other person, but not at the cost of yourself.
Observe people carefully, know who they are, know how they live. You should be able to trust whoever is worthy of your confidence. This is very important.
You shouldn't want to stand alone in life, you should look for people whom you can trust and with whom you can talk and exchange ideas, so that you might evolve more quickly. Going down the path on your own will take more time.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Know that it should be possible to exchange feelings with those close to you. Therefore you should be able to share your feelings with others but at the same time you should keep your feelings under control in order not to let them be played with by others. This is an important distinction you should make.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 5: Words in the silence - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 5: Het woord in de stilte”) ©
“Everything has a meaning, everything has a place, and to the extent that you can be open to the many elements that surround you, to the many people around you, so that you can live with them and dare to live with them, so that together you can experience joy with everything and everyone, to that extent there will come something like an energy within you that is always active, but in a quiet way.
“It will come.” “It's sure to come.” “Everything will turn out alright.” These are the sort of things you should tell yourself. When you say such things, you live in trust and then you really have the right attitude.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“You come from the light, you are made of light, but you have landed in the darkness. These forces are what you could call a trial.
It's something terrible, something that is concealing, that works against you, something you didn't foresee and yet must see your way through, for thereby the intensity of the light will increase. You will be able to cope with more once you come to stand in the light. For in the darkness you acquire an intense longing for the light and thereby you raise your vibration and because of this you are able to enter a new sphere where you can then cope with more light.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“Consider this carefully: every time you are in too great a haste, what you are actually doing is stubbornly trying to realize a plan of your own making, no matter what comes in your way, and then you can be sure that it will go wrong. This is not the way to work out your plans.
When you have a plan in mind you should remain calm and be the guiding force of what you want to achieve. In this way the final outcome will always be better than what you originally planned.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 4 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“When you are together with other people it is a good exercise to try to attain to goodness together. Your search for what you need and for what you should receive will become more spontaneous, and then a great interchange takes place.
Married people or people who are in a relationship should realize this. Trying to attain to goodness together makes it possible for joy to enter your relationship, and it will be a different relationship than when you are only together to experience, for instance, certain things you want to experience, but which have nothing to do with goodness.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 4 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“There is a continuous urge to progress in the human being. This longing is often due to angels who have come on your way and who have, as it were, waved at you with their wings, leaving you with the impression: ‘Ah, an obstacle has been removed, I can go on!’ Mostly it is in this way that one finds the way again.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 6 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“As a human being you have a free will and can decide many things for yourself, but on the other hand in very many circumstances in your life there is a protection to guide you to take the right decision, and you can be thankful for this.
You cannot always see this for yourself, because often you are not even able of judging your own life, and you shouldn’t be always doing this either. Just know that you are learning and that your trust in life can keep growing; this is very important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 6: Meeting with Angels - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 6: Ontmoeting met Engelen”) ©
“When you have tragic experiences in life - when you wonder: ‘How can I go on?’ - if you begin to show love to the people around you - to one or two people around you - then, you’ll see, a solution to your problem will appear.
No matter where you are: when you are loving, a solution will come. People with very great problems often can’t find a solution to their problems because they don’t dare to be loving when tragedy overcomes them with what are, in fact, worldly happenings.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“There will always be energies to bring you further along and you will always be guided in your search.
Don’t be frightened that things will go wrong when you are busy with certain things. It’s always possible for people to make mistakes, that’s normal, so there’s no need to blame yourself.
When you are searching, when you want to achieve certain things in your life, you can’t but try to advance and keep on going forward and going forward. And you should indeed try to do just that, at an easy pace.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“There’s always the possibility that you’ll briefly lose your balance because of certain things you couldn’t foresee, and this can be disrupting and veer you off the path, but don’t let it upset you. It will only be for a brief period - because a person’s absent-mindedness can always get in the way - and it is just by searching that you will regain your concentration.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“You can’t say: “I am now at the beginning of my path and soon I will be a little further,” because the path is often different from what you imagine it to be.
The path is the longing for Light, the path is the longing for self-awareness. The path is the longing for good relationships with other people, an exchange of certain matters that, once having been discovered, you can enjoy and share with one another. The path is the part you have found and then again let go of, so that you can experience new situations. The path is often becoming ill and meeting with certain elements of imbalances in your life; that, too, can be a part of the path.
Therefore, you can see that the path has many different faces and, in most cases, a person cannot judge it. This is the reason that when you are searching you are doing good work. Each quest you undertake is extremely worthwhile.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“When you are together with people who are original, a real encounter and a real exchange is possible, and you will be able to recognize certain aspects of them in yourself, or recognize aspects of yourself in these others. Through this you will experience a sense of kinship with them, which is always a pleasant feeling.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“During this time of renewal you can progress very rapidly in a very simple way. The energy coming to this life wants to embrace, as it were, each single person and bring him or her to the Light. This is why the possibilities today are so exceptionally great. Once you realize this you can go forwards.
It’s not the moment to procrastinate and say: “I’ll do it later.” No, now is the time to go forwards. Now is a very significant moment in the existence of the Earth, a moment when the chances for renewal are very great, because a tremendously great energy is present, causing people to do precisely this, to join in the renewal.
Many opportunities are being given, in all possible directions. You can therefore decide for yourself in which direction you wish to develop your life, but, for the most part, you are being guided in this.
You don’t stand alone, you are not being left behind, you are being guided. And when you go searching, when you take steps on the path, you are given an Angel to guide you and lead you in the direction that is best for you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“If you are too dependent upon others, look too much to others, compare yourself too much with others, it will paralyse you because then you won’t know how to go forward.
The manner in which you go forward is important; so look at your own normal way of dealing with things and how you would be if you were loving.
With love as your starting point, when you begin with love, you will be giving your life a new impulse and it will always be good.
Love isn’t meek and obedient and sweet. Love is not a sentiment. Love is, in itself, strong. It knows what it is doing and knows why it does it. It knows how to go forward because it has knowledge, because it shows and gathers together things coming from all directions. With love you stand strong, because at that know.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 7: The great voyage of discovery - chapter 11 (“Morya Wijsheid 7: De grote ontdekkingsreis”) ©
“It's important for you to be aware that you don't have to journey alone but can do this together with others.
Realize, too, that there is a hidden reason for this, namely, that you and others are being confronted with new energies. In fact, these energies belong to the group and not only to a few individuals, and so there are certain experiences that are group-related. You should be well aware of this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Have the courage to look at your own life as it is now. Look at what is causing you trouble, at what is wrong and how you could change this. But you needn't really make a special effort.
You simply have to search for the power in your life. This means searching for what can make you into a powerful someone, for what can take you forward, and looking to see what is important today.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Realize, too, the importance of your neighbour. He, too, should value his own life.
Therefore, it’s also your duty to give your neighbour the feeling that he or she is valuable, because this is true. It makes no sense to break down other people's ideas, whatever those ideas may be.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“One absolute necessity in life is making time for yourself. This is very important.
Be well aware that your life belongs to you. So don't engage yourself in someone else's life, unless you have a good reason for doing so.
Dare to live your own life, dare to look at it and to examine it. This is a great insight. Then you can learn what it's like to put certain things in order. This means bringing things in concordance with what you should be doing, namely, learning to know the peace in your heart and experiencing the tranquility, silence and force which are present there.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 4 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“It’s important for you to know that there will always be a striving for clarity in your life, so you should dare to go forwards.
It's not that you should think: ‘It should be like this or like that’; just daring to go forwards is very important. Therefore, if you find a way to bring change into your life, you should dare to do it, to just try.
If you want to go further than where you are now, then you will receive support, you can count on it.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Often it's the attention someone is given that's important. You can notice this in your own life. When you are given attention, you will surpass yourself because you'll try to bring to expression what is really important.
If someone gives you his or her attention, you are standing in the centre of certain energies. When that attention is given with love, you also receive this energy of love. In this way you find yourself in the centre of a certain energy, and so become more yourself.
It's important, therefore, to pay attention to your fellow men and women. But, just as important, is that you do this with love, because then you are creating a centre of loving energies, wherein the life of your neighbour is able to change.
Moreover, when you deal lovingly with your neighbour, you are actually being just as loving with yourself, because your lives are connected.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Being together with people means learning to speak and express the correct concepts.
Of course, you can also express yourself without words, but it's still more important to express yourself with words than without words.
Words carry an enormous energy within them that is almost irrevocable. This means that when a certain word is spoken, it is very difficult and troublesome to forget it.
Therefore, when you speak words of love that carry a certain charge and intensity, you can understand that, with these words, you are creating, you are creating an atmosphere and, in fact, you are creating the person. Words are always important.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Some questions can, of course, be bothersome, but this doesn't mean you should shun them.
It is important, however, to formulate them correctly. They should be about your own life, not about someone else's life.
If you ask questions, then ask questions like: “Where should I go from here and how can I get there?” Don't ask questions for others, because this would be wrong.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 6 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Keep in mind that it's impossible to find an answer to all the questions in life. What is important is that you can be satisfied.
If you receive an answer, know that this is always a temporary answer, an answer that only sheds light on a part of the path and, for a while, will create possibilities.
Don't be disappointed. Don't think: ‘I can't get ahead because first, before I can take a step, I must have the ultimate answer.’ You will never have the ultimate answer. Answers are, by nature, always temporary. In this way there will always be a possibility to go forward in life; keep this in mind.
The point isn't to try to find definite answers.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 6 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Dare to ask questions that don't originate from your mentality.
I realize I may be saying things that seem very strange and difficult, because how does one go about asking questions that don't come from the mind? You do this by having a certain desire.
Therefore, dare to live with a certain desire in life, so that you can find those things in your life that are correct and good, both for you and for others.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 6 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Dare to experiment. Let go of your old thoughts and start afresh with new things, confident you are moving forward. If you have the idea: ‘I'd like to do it in this way for a change,’ then do it. Like this you will find your way.
It will be an improvement, because, obviously, you will be trying to make things better, trying to move forward and not backwards.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 7 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“When you begin with something, you must take it on at the right moment. The way in which you want to proceed is also important, but determining at which moment to begin is vital, because it must feel right to you.
Often when people take on a new work they are terribly stressed and lose their calm because they think and think and think. This isn't good. It's much better to stay calm while the preparations are being made and, in fact, while all the work is being done.
Many, many mistakes are made because people think: ‘By such and such a date I must get started,’ and then they tend to work inaccurately.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“The energy of silence is always important when you are busy with renewal.
When you enter into the stream of renewal, when you begin to change and restore your faith in existence, make sure you can be in silence. In that way you will be laying a foundation for your actions. This means that, all at once, you will understand what you are really doing.
This is the great significance of silence. When you are in silence, something is always being realized, because silence comes from God and God brings things in order.
When you go into the silence - and by this I don't mean it needs to be quiet all around you, but within you - then there is a grounding.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Look at your own life, look to the deepness of your life and be assured you can draw courage from that deepness. There you will also find the reason for your existence, for your progression and for the way of living your life.
Dare to live your own life, whatever may happen externally. If you do this you will be supported through the difficulties. You will begin to have courage and suddenly realize you are surrounded with the greatest amount of caring attention. Then you can, indeed, rightly hope and believe in the existence of the light and that something like enlightenment is possible.
Realize that when people speak of enlightenment, this includes a profound peace, together with an enormous level of consciousness expressing itself as a glorious blissfulness. When, at whatever moment, you have a belief in this profound peace and know it is the basis of all life, then you can realize that something like a growth towards peace does exist.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 15 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Whatever you do, you should be able to relate it to the light.
If, for instance, you are busy with a building project, make sure you think of the light as you work, and you will be building in another way. When you are dealing with other people, when, for instance, you are engaged in a conversation or in a meeting, listen to those people from out of the light. When you speak, you will then offer other words to these people, words coming from the light.
When you are in a silence of your work, when you are, therefore, in a state of change within your own life, when you are in a struggle, in the fire of your life, when you dare to go forward, and when you do this from out of the light, you will consider the points anew and bring them to the fore in another manner.
Light always signifies a kind of radiance. What is embodied within something is what must come out of it. You have a light within you and it must come out.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 16 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Things of great significance will happen in your life during the next few years, I will see to it. So be hopeful; you are being guided. And despite the circumstances you may now find yourself in, your life will yet change in a positive sense, because you are being guided.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 17 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“Not every place on Earth carries the same light. There are places that have a special light, just as there are people who have a special light.
You, too, will be able to carry a special light, in your own way. In prayer, you should ask to be in this light, because then you will become a point of light, in your own special way. This is how you can look at it. It's impossible to carry all the light within you, but you can manage to take hold of different kinds of lights in your life, different kinds of consciousness. So that you know: ‘I can go forward, I can learn and see things in an objective, correct manner.’ Because, each light has the possibility within itself of seeing things objectively.
Don't think that the light will confuse you. It's not because you will be able to see more that you will become confused. No, you have to attain a peacefulness therein. This has a great significance because, from out of that peace, you will be able to see more.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 8: Living in the center of your life - chapter 17 (“Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan”) ©
“You’ll discover you have no double, that there is no one just like you but that you stand alone, with your own ideas, with your own feelings, with your own originality, with your own way of doing things and that there is no urge of mimicry in you.
When you come to realize this then you are truly on your own, in a uniqueness and this is highly significant. Because if you can reach this point, then you know you are in the process of finding yourself and, little by little, of bringing this self to fulfillment.
Therefore, the first step in discovering who you are is trying and daring to stand on your own with those things that live within you and that don’t live within others, because this is factually how it is.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 1 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Don’t always think you must do this and that and the other, but dare to take yourself into account.
Don’t feel obligated to always comply with what is demanded of you. Very many people have put stress upon themselves by giving in to these demands, by having said: “Okay, he wants this and she wants that and I have to do it because it’s my responsibility.” In this way they are unconsciously putting a pressure upon themselves.
Naturally, there are certain things we have to do in life, surely, but we tend to shoulder many things that are not really necessary.
Be prepared to look at your own life and to see what is yours and what your own responsibilities are, to look at what is your life. In this way you will also learn to see the lives of others and then, immediately, you dare to put them into perspective.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Answers can sometimes be complicated and difficult. This depends on the question because the question may often be unclear and then you first have to clarify the question before receiving an answer.
Often you will only gradually come to the realization that your question was not really right, that you had, therefore, undertaken a wrong quest. During that searching you felt lonely because you posed certain wrong questions, with the result that no one understood you.
When you are able to ask the right questions you will sometimes receive the answer immediately and this can be surprising. Therefore, when you come to a point in life where you are able to ask the correct questions then you will also be able to find the answers.
And this is precisely the difficulty of asking questions: ‘Is this a correct, a right question’ - because often you don’t even think about this - ‘or is it a question I shouldn’t be asking at this moment?’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Often you take questions over from others. Then these questions are not your own and you can’t benefit from the answer.
Dare to look into your own life and find your own questions. Then there is a chance that you will receive a clear answer that fits with you so that you know: ‘I am moving forward.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 3 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you are living your own life, when you dare to look at your own life despite the problems you will suddenly feel happy. You’ll know: ‘I can go on, I can handle it.’
Hardships will test us and show us who we really are. You, yourself, know what you are capable of, because it is through difficulties that you learn to hold your own.
For when you are feeling strong, when things are going well, it may be, that therein, you don’t learn to know yourself. You think the beautiful things in life are the way they are because you have arranged it to be so. But often they have been given you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Whatever happens to you, try to see yourself therein and to know yourself and in this way you can go forward.
Because if, for instance, you keep trying to evade it by saying: “I don’t want to go through this,” or “I don’t dare to look at this,” or “Why is this happening?” and are defiant, then you will have learned nothing from these troubles and - none the wiser - will only have to experience them again at some other time. Because that is simply what life is like.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“If you can take a distance from the problems, you can look at them more objectively and deal with them more easily. People experience a great deal of suffering because they are intermeshed with things that present themselves.
When you can let go of certain things while you are involved in them, you can gain insight into very many aspects of the situation. You can see: ‘That’s how it really is.’ This is because you can see the reality from a distance and can better understand what is happening and what is the matter.
Thus, a person should be able to look at life as if he were viewing a movie; so that he can see: ‘I am detached from it. Actually, this life is really nice but I am still different from what I am seeing. I am different from what I feel. I am different from what I think.’ ”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 5 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“You don’t ever need to despair because each little bit of light you discover within yourself is a light that will always stay with you.
Often it’s the intention that you be confronted with situations of darkness, with things that are very difficult, to enable you to discover the light within yourself and be able to express it.
That’s why it’s important for you to, indeed, express yourself and realize: ‘This is my path, this is my way of living, this is my way of considering things and expressing them.’
Thus, there is a certain manner of being that you can consider as being yours and this makes you stronger and more powerful and enables you to see in which way you can go forward.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“You may especially feel the need to be understood when you are in a relationship with someone and the other may have the need to make himself or herself understood. Expressing oneself is always better than keeping things hidden or bottled up by, for instance, not expressing an idea, not showing a desire, not letting a thought be known.
It’s always more important to bring things out than to keep them locked up within you, otherwise there will be no exchange of energy and also no development of force. (…)
If the other doesn’t want to understand it, then let it be. You should express yourself for yourself, to learn to know yourself therein and to learn to know yourself within the difficulties. This is always important.
Thus, you are not taking an action to understand the other but rather to understand yourself.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 8 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you hear words spoken that are about you or that are said to you, sometimes these words are important and sometimes they have little or no importance. But usually you aren’t able to determine for yourself: what is the importance of what the others have said to you? You have to try to make peace with this within yourself.
Try to figure out what the significance might be of what others tell you but don’t attach too much importance to it because this could cause confusion. Each time someone says something to you try to understand it with your heart. Try to see if it really has some importance for your own development, so that your life could become nicer, better and healthier. Becoming aware of this will help you.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Some things said to you may be of no importance whatsoever and only serve to confuse you. Then you don’t need to be busy with that for long. Accept the situation and know that at the moment there is nothing you can do with these words. Let them go and think: ‘I can’t do anything with these words right now. If they have any importance they will spontaneously come up again.’ But don’t dwell on them too much.
The fact is that sometimes people will want to confuse you because they feel jealous or have a certain idea about you that they want to air out. This is actually like being confronted with a destructive energy.
When people deal with you in this manner they are dealing wrongly with themselves. Knowing this will make it easier for you to let it go.
Therefore, look to see where the words come from, who is saying them to you and at what moment. If you can see this - and you should be able to reflect on it for a while - then you will more easily be able to let them go.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Dare to be very positive in your own life; dare to do positive things for others. Thereby a greater force will come to you; also a greater force to handle the negative things that may come from others.
When you stimulate a positive force in yourself by bringing things to expression you will always be protected, also in your work.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Don’t let yourself feel too easily hurt. You should realize: ‘It comes from that source and it may be negative or it may be positive. Perhaps I’m not really able to make such a judgment at this moment.’
First you should accept it and reflect on it and later you will be able to realize its true significance. For it could be that you are able to recognize a reaction because the person is in a particular situation and is trying to deal with it in his or her own way, so that this is actually a processing, a reaction to a tension in this other person’s life.
If you can see this you can discover the tension and know how to react. Often, it’s due to tensions that people react wrongly. But due to this same tension you will then also have a wrong reaction.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“The majority of arguments are absolutely not constructive and therefore you should limit your involvement with them or avoid them altogether.
Naturally, it’s also possible that you will need to be able to put certain forces in place when certain people come to you with negativity. You shouldn’t run away from this but say: “Look, I don’t want this.” Consequently, you have to be able to set a force in place. But sometimes it’s only necessary to do this momentarily, just so as to give the other a bit of a fright and have him come to himself. Then it might be that the problem is solved.
If you are confronted with something really evil you shouldn’t take part in it at all but should dare to ask for help. You should dare to ask the Divinity for an intercession, so that you are protected and actually don’t need to react.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“Evil is something very real on this Earth. It is a cause of terror and a cause of suffering. But don’t think there is no greater force than the force of evil.
Never forget that an enormous force is present that originates from the Divinity and is the bearer of love, the bearer of light and has the possibility within itself of neutralizing the negative forces, whatever they may be.
Never lose hope. When you are confronted with things that are hard to bear, don’t lose hope but try to pray that light and peace might come.
Know that the greater the peace and stillness in your own heart, the greater the opposing forces can be without your being harmed by them.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 9 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“In life, there exists something like a superficial desire. Learning to know this superficial desire implies you have come to know yourself superficially. If you can recognize a deep desire in your life then you will learn to know yourself in the deepness.
There are very great desires in your life, ones that strive to reach the deepness and strive for a completion, a perfecting of your life. If you can see this, you can live with a profound joy and then you’ll know that in a certain way you are not vulnerable.
You are invulnerable because you know that in the deepness of your life there is a hidden pearl, a hidden joy present there that can always keep growing and that you should learn to discover. You can probe and look deep within yourself and always deeper and always more.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 10 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“It’s your intuition that will take you forward, not your thoughts. At a certain moment you will know and realize: ‘Actually I should do it like this’; and then you should listen.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“When you live with love you will build a bridge towards others. But oftentimes this bridge building isn’t possible or is not easy and then you need to have patience with others.
Don’t ever be in a hurry. Don’t think: ‘I’ll just quickly do it,’ because you can’t.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 12 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
“You will see that you can be more logical in an illogical way. If you try to find freedom in your own life, if you try to deal with freedom, you will come to the conclusion that you should take certain backward steps, that you should therefore do certain things as concessions to others in order to therefore go forward together. And that is not logical, namely: you want to go forward and you go backwards. You want to achieve things and you let them go. You want to look at your life again and you say: “It’s not important.” These are all backward steps and this means you are becoming flexible.
When you are striving for freedom you necessarily need to be flexible and, above all, you need to work with goodness.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“It’s a difficult situation, which is to say: by doing this you are going to do things that are difficult and annoying and always difficult and always annoying. And yet you shouldn’t break under the pressure, you should be flexible and bend. So you need to know what it means to be flexible because then you will be able to stay standing.
If you don’t bend it means you are breaking and forcing things. You should be able to sway and bend. This doesn’t mean betraying yourself, it means you make an allowance, that you therefore learn to know the other as he or she is and, I repeat, that you can continually be busy.
This means: if you are bored in life then that is not good. Wake up and do things which are interesting and exciting, so that the other can also become interested and so that the other can see who you are and see what you are doing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 2 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“Often you can change your life by changing your thoughts. And this is something you should make a study of.
Orient your thoughts to a certain theme and see: ‘What can I achieve in my life with this theme?’ Don’t set it in someone else’s life, don’t meddle in other people’s lives - meddle in your own life. Be an educator, a coach for yourself and know: ‘Look, I’m on a path and I’m sure to find it because I’m making a study of it.’ This means that you are bringing in light and are able to relax whenever necessary.
Thus, it calls for this relaxation, otherwise you cannot go forward. This may seem paradoxal yet it isn’t at all. Because when you are working in relaxation you can notice much more, see much more and you can also give your question a place. (…)
You will need to keep some questions with you for one, two, three, four, five months....and more. You should be able to live with questions.
Thereby you can orientate your life and from there you can become an educator. This means that you can also involve others in this. Because it is very important to dare to ask questions. By asking questions you can attain an openness, also with one another, and so it is good to meet people who also ask questions but it is never a reason to worry.
Whatever question it is and however difficult it might be, try to take the time for it, try to take the time to find an answer to that question.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“Take the time to say things that come from your own inner self, from out of your own experience.
Know that you have the time and may take time, but that sooner or later you will need to come up with a solution. If the other wants to know something from you and you cannot say it, then tell them: “I can’t say,” then you will have dealt with it to the extent that you gave a little bit of an answer, and you may do this.
Always try to dispel the mystery as much as you possibly can. Always try to bring in light. This means not leaving the other person out in the cold, and it means knowing: ‘Look, I need time and so I’m saying that I need time.’
It also means you see what is going on with the other person and what they are doing, because freedom takes account of the other.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 4 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“You do not need to take the whole world or the big problems upon your shoulders. You may well have an opinion about them but they don’t have to be an objective in your life if you do not want them to be.
You can thus remove certain problems from your life, this is something you may also do. You do not have to engage yourself unless you want to. And if you engage yourself then let it be a limited engagement: make sure not to take up too much hay on your fork and don’t imagine that you must change the world.
Your area of work is your own life. Make sure you stand in your own life and work on that, and try to look at life in a certain positive way, in such a way so that it enables you to go forward.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“A lot of ‘life’ is lost because the person is on a stream that is not flowing, because a person thinks and thinks too much, worries too much and doesn’t see what life itself is.
You should be able to be so focused that you allow life to be, without thinking what life should be, because then you are already introducing corrections before you have taken it in.
So, when things go wrong in life make sure to first look at that before intervening and allow the wrong - in so far as doing that doesn’t cause any immediate harm - so that you can study how things are going wrong.
Because otherwise you might draw the wrong conclusions and throw something away which should not have been thrown away and in which you could have been able to find a kind of grace. Because when something goes wrong you can learn something from that and this means learning to see things that are new for you.
For you should know: the incompleteness of this Earth is nevertheless complete. In other words, there is an enormous contradiction, something enormously fascinating in what people experience.
Everything on this Earth has a meaning, nothing exists that is not meaningful, which is why it is always worthwhile to concentrate on what you find.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 5 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“The Earth is a gigantic stage; dare to play the role you have to play. Dare to act and see to it that you can make a distinction between certain things, that you say: “This fits in with my life and this other thing not.” Because the reality of this Earth is too great to be able to take in everything in your own life.
Therefore, you should also make sure to form a relationship with things and with your fellow persons and incorporate into that relationship a belief in beauty, in love, in patience, in the values of life, so to speak.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 6 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“People are often distracted - because they don’t know what they should do or because they are too involved with the lives of others or because they have bitten off more than they can chew or because there is so much within them that leads to a kind of addiction, ‘because that is how I am and I have to go on in this way or otherwise I will lose my bearings.’ These are often very big illusions that people hold on to.
It is not because a person has a tradition, has a habit, that they should keep holding on to it.
Of course, a habit is difficult to break but it is still good to now and again look at your habits and consider the fact that you could also learn to form a different habit.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“Do not imagine that you should help the other determine what their life is and how they should live.
But what you can do is help the other to clearly see what he or she is doing and what they are involved with, and you should be able to strengthen this current and help to clarify it.
Therefore, when you are with people you should always be careful about making judgements. Allow people to be different than you. Then there can be a great understanding and you will also be able to see the meaning of that other life.
Because there are so many rhythms and so many different moments in life that you may often have the impression you are at the same point as the other while this is not at all true. Then you make the mistake of wanting to place the other in your life, in your rhythm and in your way of looking and seeing.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 7 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“It is important to make choices in your feelings, just the same as in your thoughts.
Do not be frightened of what is within you. When you notice angry traits, or when you discover things which are annoying or not good, then dare to also look at these in order to slowly gain control over them, to gradually take them in hand and say: “Okay, that is there. What should I make of it? How do I deal with it? How can I deal with this angry feeling within me, so that I can transform it into something beautiful and pure, into something that has a chance to work itself out and to reveal that in that anger there is something like a desire, a striving, a limitation that I can let go of?”
In other words, you can deal with your anger as you would with something precious, but you should then be able to view it from the inside. So you should learn what it is to control anger and to see how you can transform it into goodness and how you can go a whole lot further with this goodness than with anger.
But don’t blame the entire force of anger for being angry, because it may well be that at a certain moment you should be able to be angry in order to bring out the good.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 8 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“Never be afraid of doing things, this is very important. You should be able to take up certain things and say: “I will work this out, I’ll work on this and do it well. I’ll try to do a good job.” But without forcing yourself. This is then a part of the road you are taking. And try to do it in your own way.
You’re allowed to put your own stamp on your life. This means working in an original, independent way without looking too much at others. Of course you will see what others are doing but you won’t deny yourself, you won’t think: ‘I have to do it like they are doing it.’ No, you can do it in your own way. And that is very important.
Then you become someone, which means that you are then doing things that come from your person but go beyond your person and actually show the originality that is within you and how you can develop things which come from out of yourself. The world needs people like this.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“There are always difficult moments in life. You shouldn’t be afraid of those moments, they are very instructive.
It is sometimes good to engage yourself in things which are difficult because you can learn more from them than you think. You will see how you are, what is awakening within you, in which way you can bring a certain new order to your life and how confrontational some people can be. And yet, your life clarifies itself...your own reactions, your own opinions and most of all your own heart.
You should know: if you are involved in a life that is difficult then the heart develops because the heart knows how to find new pathways.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 12 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“You should be able to leave behind the role you played in the past. You should be able to see it in order not to again take that role.
You should dare to live a new life, a different life, a life of progress, a life of concentration, a life of sun energy, a life of pure soul energy expressed through intuition.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Inner Force, book 7: Becoming open to reality - chapter 13 (“Morya Kracht 7: Open komen voor de werkelijkheid”) ©
“When you go within, when you look to see how you are busy, you can observe – by the rhythm of your thoughts, for instance – that it's not suited to your life. Then you know you are taking on too much and doing too little with it.
You should dare to look at your life and see in what way you are busy. As you start to realize there are things within you that are not in order, that there are things you should try to understand as they really are, then you'll notice how many of these things you dont understand. When you look at your dreams or at the clouds of thoughts within yourself or at your feelings, you will always have the impression you don't have enough knowledge about your own life. A feeling of disillusionment might also accompany this but actually you are doing well. You are working in the right way because you are asking the right questions.”
Master Morya
Geert Crevits, translated quote from: Morya Wisdom, book 9: Abounding life - chapter 2 (“Morya Wijsheid 9: Het overvloedige leven”) ©
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